Corporate advertising aims to cultivate a positive reputation for a company and generate trust between sellers and consumers. It can also be used for damage control and to restore consumer confidence. The focus is on the company as a whole, not on generating sales for specific products.
Business advertising is a promotional strategy designed not only to interest consumers in the products and services offered by the company, but also to cultivate a positive reputation among consumers and others in the business world. The focus of corporate advertising is on the company itself, with the focus on products produced by the company as a by-product of the advertising effort. This type of business marketing is often used in conjunction with advertising campaigns that focus directly on the goods and services the company produces.
The main function of corporate advertising is to generate and strengthen a sense of trust and attractiveness between sellers and consumers. Depending on the exact nature of the company’s marketing approach, advertising can also be developed with the aim of improving the company’s reputation among its peers in a community or within a particular sector of the market. In any application, the idea is to create the most pleasing public image for society.
It is not unusual for a business to engage in corporate advertising as a means of dealing with some incident or factor that has harmed the reputation of the business. Factors may include unsubstantiated claims regarding the company’s business practices or some aspect of the quality of the products manufactured by the company. Corporate marketing campaigns can also help restore consumer confidence in the event of a takeover or merger involving the company. From this point of view, a well-executed campaign is a powerful tool to use in damage control situations and can be able to restore trust after the public perception of the company has been tarnished in some way.
While corporate advertising includes some references to the company’s products, the object of this type of advertising is not aimed at generating sales. Instead, corporate announcements focus on the strength and reliability of the company as a whole, the integrity the company employs in all of its business relationships, and how the company seeks to improve the circumstances of the geographic areas in which it operates . As part of this process, it is not uncommon to mention one or more major products, but there is usually no mention of the price or upcoming discounts of products found in company advertising campaigns. These are left to product advertising efforts which focus specifically on goods produced for sale.