Credit card harassment occurs when creditors use abusive techniques to collect overdue accounts, such as frequent phone calls, abusive language, or contacting friends and family. It is illegal and punishable by law, but proof is required. Communicating with the creditor and requesting the cessation of harassment is effective. Simply settling the debt out of court can also stop harassment. Extra fees may be legal, but it’s important to read the credit agreement carefully.
Credit card harassment, also known as debt collection harassment, occurs when creditors attempt to collect payment on overdue accounts by employing abusive techniques such as frequent phone calls at all hours of the day, using abusive language, or contacting friends and family members. This is not legal and can be punished by law, but proof of harassment is usually required. This can be harder to achieve unless you are able to videotape or record the harassment, which is also illegal in some places without the knowledge of the individual. There are a few things individuals can do to prevent credit card harassment if debt collection occurs; communicating with the creditor and requesting, in writing, the cessation of harassment is one of the most effective ways.
In general, if a credit card company isn’t quite ready to sue over an unpaid balance on an expired and collecting credit card, they will start by sending threatening letters and making phone calls. These are usually an everyday occurrence, which is typically not considered credit card harassment in and of itself. Instead, the harassment begins if the tone of the phone calls or emails becomes abusive or hurtful; for example, if the creditor uses inappropriate language or calls by name. It is also considered harassment if the phone calls go to your workplace, family or friends, or generally outside the hours of 8 and 9pm. Some collectors will also try to contact family or colleagues and spread misinformation in an attempt to charge the individual.
Some credit card companies will also try to add extra fees to an unpaid balance. In some cases, these may be interest charges, and this is generally completely legal, although others may attempt to charge additional fees to your account. It is important to be aware of what is happening and to read the credit agreement carefully to ensure that the credit card company is not doing something beyond its statutory rights.
Sometimes, simply communicating with the credit card company and attempting to explain the situation and settle the debt out of court can be an effective way to stop credit card harassment. A written letter to the collection company requesting that all communication be by mail rather than by telephone, or that communication cease altogether, can also stop credit card harassment. In most cases the collection agency is still free to contact the borrower to inform them that a lawsuit will follow.