Pro forma profit and loss is a projection of a company’s net income for a future period, typically found on an income statement, and is important for budgeting and identifying areas for improvement. Projections are estimates and should include all items affecting net income, with various methods available for projecting future numbers.
Pro forma profit and loss is a projection of a company’s net income for a period of time in the future. This information is typically found on a profit and loss statement, which is also known as an income statement, and includes a company’s projections for future revenue, expenses, and income. The pro forma profit and loss projection is important to a business as it allows it to budget for the upcoming time period and see where adjustments need to be made in its operations. One method of projecting these numbers is to look at a current statement, decide if there are changes to certain elements in the outlook, and adjust the other elements to correspond with these changes.
A company has several reasons why it should prepare a profit and loss statement. It is generally required of large public companies, so that investors, financial regulators and shareholders can have access to a company’s relevant information. An income statement also serves a purpose for the company, as it shows areas of the business that might need improvement. Preparing a pro forma income statement is useful for a company to see where it is headed in the future.
It is important to understand that the information found in the statement may not be realized. Unlike current income statements, which must be based on actual financial information, pro forma numbers are estimates. Still, it’s important for a company to get as close as possible when projecting future numbers.
When preparing a pro forma income statement, company management must include all items that affect net income. This means that sales revenue must be estimated first. After that, projected expenses should be compiled, which include cost of goods sold, operating and administrative expenses, and interest and tax charges. Subtracting projected expenses from projected revenue yields an estimate of the company’s net income for the period under study, which is typically the next year or a year in the near future.
There are several different methods by which a company can project pro forma profits and losses. The most common way is to look at a current statement and project forward based on expected increases and decreases. For example, if a company’s sales are expected to increase by 10 percent, current revenue should be increased by the corresponding amount on the pro forma statement. Companies should be as realistic as possible with their estimates, as these estimates often provide the basis for budgeting and decision making for years to come.
Smart Asset.