Periventricular leukomalacia is a brain injury that affects fetuses and newborns, causing dead white matter to soften brain tissues. Symptoms may include delayed motor skills, slowed mental development, seizures, and vision or hearing problems. The severity of the injury varies, and there is no specific treatment. Preventive measures include proper prenatal care to prevent premature birth.
Periventricular leukomalacia is a type of brain injury in which brain tissues are softened by dead white matter; it affects both fetuses and newborns. Most children do not show any immediate symptoms of this white matter lesion, but common indicators that may appear later include an inability to cultivate basic motor skills, slowed mental development, seizures, and vision or hearing problems. Epilepsy or cerebral palsy often develops as the child matures.
The growth of periventricular leukomalacia is initiated by two main factors. The periventricular section of the brain, which is composed of the white matter located near the cerebral ventricles, loses oxygen or blood as the brain develops. When associated with damage to cells that support the nervous system, the conditions for periventricular leukomalacia are present. This set of circumstances is more predominant in preterm infants, placing them at greater risk for periventricular leukomalacia.
The extent of periventricular leukomalacia is virtually impossible to determine during the early stages of a child’s life. Because impaired motor skills are a telltale sign and all newborns have limited motor skills, the disease can only be diagnosed by an ultrasound of the head. An ultrasound, however, may not read the lesion immediately and more accurate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used.
Periventricular leukomalacia has varying degrees of severity, which entirely depend on the extent of damage to the brain tissues. Some children may be unusually slow in various areas of physiological development, have slow heart rates, or have coordination and balance problems. In severe cases, children will develop major problems with motor function or severe organ maturity abnormalities. Children who fall into the latter category may one day become quadriplegics or acquire epilepsy or cerebral palsy.
Often referred to by the acronym PVL, periventricular leukomalacia has no corresponding treatment. Symptoms of the injury are treated on a case-by-case basis, and in most cases, doctors will monitor patients closely, due to the sensitive nature of the nervous system and the multitude of complications that can arise. Treatment is further complicated by the fact that medications that work in adults with PVL can be harmful to children. The prognosis for individuals with PVL depends on the severity of the injury.
Preventive measures are essential to avoid a diagnosis of PVL. The most common of these measures involves doing everything possible to prevent a premature birth, from proper nutrition and medication to bed rest. Proper prenatal care ensures that the developmental progress of the fetus is closely monitored.