Thai massage is a floor massage technique that incorporates stretching and smooth movements to stimulate circulation and flexibility. It has been practiced in Thailand for thousands of years and is commonly chosen for older and more frail clients due to its gentle nature. It is performed on a padded mat and involves active participation from the client. It is invigorating and stimulating, and both therapist and client usually feel less tension and more energy at the end of the session. Clients should consult their doctors before starting a massage therapy course.
Thai massage, also called lazy man yoga or traditional massage, is an Asian floor massage technique that incorporates stretching and smooth massage movements to stimulate circulation and flexibility. It is usually performed in loose, comfortable clothing and uses pillows to support the client during the massage session. This style of massage has become increasingly popular in the West in the twentieth century and is commonly chosen for older and more frail clients because it is gentler than Swedish-style massage.
Thai massage has been practiced in Thailand for thousands of years, and many other Asian countries incorporate massage into their healing traditions. Traditionally, it was performed by monks, who incorporated other Ayurvedic healing practices with their massage sessions. Besides massage, the monks also offered dietary advice, herbs, and spiritual counseling with the aim of developing healthy bodies and spirits. Thai massage began to move from the temple and into a variety of other settings in the twentieth century, and many Thai hospitals offer massage as part of their treatment.
As Westerners began traveling to Thailand more frequently, many became interested in Thai techniques, studying them and integrating them into massage practices at home. Several Masters of this style of massage have traveled to the United States and Europe, offering advanced training to interested students. Several massage schools offer certification in Thai massage, although requirements vary from place to place.
Thai massage is performed on a padded mat, which allows the therapist to easily manipulate the client’s body. Working from the feet up, the therapist stretches, flexes and bends the body to release tension and promote flexibility. The therapist also incorporates breathing techniques into the massage session, along with acupressure points and trigger point techniques. Unlike Swedish massage, it involves active participation on the part of the client, working with the therapist for a successful massage.
This style of massage is invigorating and stimulating, and both therapist and client usually feel less tension and more energy at the end of the session. Like other forms of massage therapy, Thai massage is recommended at least once a month to be effective, although more than once a week may be contraindicated in some cases. Thai massage is suitable for a wide range of clients, including the disabled and elderly, due to its gentle nature and non-invasive techniques.
Before starting a massage therapy course, clients should consult their doctors to make sure that the massage is not harmful. There are some medical conditions for which massage is not recommended.