Persuasive advertising aims to convince consumers to buy a product by appealing to their emotions and highlighting unique benefits. It does not guarantee results but creates a perception of potential benefits.
Persuasive advertising is a component of an overall advertising strategy that seeks to entice consumers to purchase specific goods or services, often by appealing to their general emotions and sensibilities. This particular advertising strategy is different from informational advertising, which essentially provides the customer with factual data about the nature and function of the product. With persuasive advertising, the assumption is that the consumer already understands the basic nature of the product, but needs to be convinced of the desirability and benefits that set a particular product apart from the competition.
One of the most effective approaches to persuasive advertising is to focus on specific product benefits. While those same benefits can also be found with competing products, the idea is to communicate that a particular product provides that benefit in a way that’s hard to find elsewhere. For example, an advertisement for a particular shampoo may note that the product contains ingredients designed to nourish dry hair, leaving hair shiny and manageable. While other products contain similar ingredients, this particular shampoo gains a reputation for being ideal for people with dry, brittle hair, thus appealing to a specific sector of consumers.
Another approach to persuasive advertising is to convey the perception that the use of a particular product will help an individual be more successful in some area of their life. A mouthwash brand can use media advertising to convey the message that use of the product ensures that the breath is fresh for a longer period of time and therefore helps improve user confidence when interacting with other people. This same general approach is used with perfumes and colognes, where advertising creates the perception that anyone using the product will be more attractive and socially successful.
It is important to note that persuasive advertising does not actually claim that if the consumer uses a particular product, the effect portrayed in the advertisement will happen automatically. The idea is to convey the perception that there is a good chance that the consumer will experience some type of benefit similar to that depicted in print advertising or television advertising. In fact, some examples of persuasive advertising go so far as to include a disclaimer that the situation shown in the advertisement is just one example and not the only possible outcome. This approach is often used in advertising for law firms, as the disclaimer notes that the advertising does not imply that the services provided by the firm are necessarily superior to those provided by other law firms.