The phrase “all along” means from the beginning or throughout. It can be used to describe a path, events, or a person’s pursuit of a goal. The phrase is commonly used in media such as songs and games.
Many people have heard others make statements like, “I knew it all along.” If one is not proficient in the English language, or simply not familiar with this phrase, it might sound rather peculiar to that person. “All along” is a figure of speech, which basically means from the beginning or all the way through. As with many idiomatic expressions, the term can be used in a variety of ways. Such phrases can make a language more interesting but at the same time they can make a language more difficult for a person to learn.
Using this phrase is like saying that a person knew what the conclusion would be during the experience. If one is reading a mystery novel, he can determine who is guilty at the beginning of the story. “I always knew he had been the butler.”
This phrase is not just used in terms of time or chronology. It can also be used to describe a particular path or route. It can also be used to talk about things that may or may not have happened on a trip or things that were or weren’t available along the way. “There were signs all along the way, until we got closer to our exit.”
This phrase can also be used in books or stories. The term has always been used as frequently as songs, movies, games and other media. Bob Dylan created a song called “All Along the Watchtower”, which has been very popular since its creation. The song has been performed by other artists and groups including Jimi Hendrix and the Grateful Dead. Many people attribute the song to Jimi Hendrix as his rendition was very popular.
There was a quest by the name of “All Along the Watchtower” included in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) called World of Warcraft. The game has several pop culture references, including this one. This particular quest is no longer available, as the area it originally took place in has been changed.
There are other ways to use this phrase as well. If someone has been working towards a certain goal all along, they have been pushing towards that outcome throughout the life of the project, or since it started. There is another similar phrase often used in this context, “Everything along the line.” This basically means at every stage or segment of the process.