Symptoms of a cracked tooth include pain while chewing, sensitivity to hot, cold, or sticky foods, and changes in tooth sensation. Cracks may not be visible and can be caused by teeth grinding or eating hard objects. Early diagnosis is important for effective treatment.
The symptoms of a cracked tooth can be very similar to those of a tooth decay, but the absence of tooth decay itself is one of those symptoms. Along with a painful sensation when chewing and a newly acquired sensitivity, changes in the sensation of the teeth are one of the biggest indicators that something is wrong. Individuals experiencing these symptoms, especially while eating hot, cold, or sticky foods, should visit their dentist.
Cracks in teeth sometimes cannot be seen with the naked eye. Some hairline cracks aren’t even visible on X-rays, so relying on symptoms for a diagnosis may be one of the only ways to determine if a tooth has been broken. Often, the symptoms of a cracked tooth aren’t always present, as are the symptoms of gum disease or impacted teeth. Abscesses or cavities often bring constant pain with them, while a cracked tooth is usually only painful in certain situations. This includes eating extremely cold or hot foods, chewing in a certain area of the mouth, or chewing on sticky foods.
Some teeth are more likely to break, including those that have had cavities filled with silver. When the pain is localized around one or more of these teeth, it is most likely a crack. Having suffered from previously broken teeth makes one person more susceptible to another; some of the more common causes include teeth grinding and habitual jaw clenching, which will put pressure on all of your teeth and make them all vulnerable to cracks. Eating hard objects such as candy, ice or nuts can also crack teeth and continuing to do so will reveal the localized pain that develops from the cracks.
Many cracks are tiny, and when there are symptoms but no visible cause, they are likely from a tiny crack. A variety of specialty dental instruments such as dyes and lights can be used to look for these cracks, but diagnosis can still be difficult. Many people may be hesitant to go to the dentist because of intermittent pain, but there should be no doubt that pain, intermittent or not, is a sign that something is wrong. The earlier a cracked tooth is diagnosed, the more likely it is to be fixed before the damage becomes serious.