Hepatic hemangioma is a benign liver condition that may cause symptoms and affect surrounding organs. It is usually asymptomatic and requires no treatment, but surgery may be necessary if symptoms arise. The cause is unknown, and diagnosis is often incidental during imaging tests. Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the size of the mass, with surgery or liver transplantation as options.
Hepatic hemangioma is a benign liver condition that can cause a variety of signs and symptoms and, in some cases, affect surrounding organs. Individuals with this condition generally remain asymptomatic, meaning they experience no recognizable symptoms. Generally, individuals with a liver hemangioma require no treatment. Presenting signs and symptoms may require surgery to remove the hemangioma.
There is no known definitive cause for the malformation of the blood vessels that contributes to the development of this condition. According to some medical organizations, such as the Mayo Clinic, it has been claimed that liver hemangiomas may actually be a condition that an individual is born with, meaning it is congenital. A hemangioma may arise from one or more vessels that form a mass that remains small or mature to induce symptoms and put pressure on the surrounding abdominal organs.
Generally, this condition will remain undiagnosed unless it is discovered during the administration of diagnostic tests or induces symptoms. Symptomatic individuals will usually undergo a series of imaging tests which may include a computed tomography (CT) scan and an ultrasound. Other diagnostic tests that may reveal the presence of this condition may include single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
As the hemangioma matures and puts pressure on the surrounding abdominal organs, a variety of signs and symptoms can develop. It is not uncommon for individuals to develop abdominal discomfort limited to the right side or to experience a loss of appetite. After eating, an individual with a liver hemangioma may feel nauseous and vomit. The pressure that mass puts on the liver and surrounding organs can make you feel full prematurely, leading to a reduction in food intake, which can contribute to unintentional weight loss.
Most hemangiomas require no treatment. It is only as the hemangioma grows that it can induce signs and symptoms. Treatment generally depends on the severity of the presenting symptoms and the size of the mass.
The growth of a hemangioma is dependent on blood supply, which can compromise liver health. Hemangiomas that remain unattached to liver tissue are easily removed with surgery. If the mass is attached to liver tissue, part of the liver with the mass may need to be removed. Severe presentations of very large or multiple hemangiomas may require liver transplantation if traditional treatment or surgery is not feasible.