Guided tissue regeneration is a dental surgery used to promote new tissue growth in damaged areas of the jaw caused by gum disease. It is often used to stabilize teeth or prepare the jaw for dental implants and requires strict post-op care. Patients should seek an experienced dentist and consider a second opinion.
Guided tissue regeneration (GTR) is a surgical procedure used by dentists to promote new tissue growth in areas of the jaw that have been damaged by gum disease. It is often performed in conjunction with guided bone regeneration, a procedure that focuses on growing bone in damaged areas. Both of these procedures are usually used to stabilize endangered teeth or to prepare an area of the jaw for dental implants. The surgery is invasive and it is important to seek out a dental surgeon who is experienced with the procedure and has good experience with patients.
In the course of gum disease, small pockets can develop in the jaw bones as the jaw is eaten away by the disease. These pockets can help spread the infection and also destabilize the teeth. Once gum disease is under control, a dentist may recommend addressing these pockets with guided tissue regeneration, whether the goal is to save existing teeth or prepare the jaw for dental implants to replace teeth that will be extracted. or that have already been checked out .
In the office, a dentist exposes the area of interest, cleans it thoroughly, and installs a membrane between the soft tissue and the pocket in the bone. This membrane keeps fast-growing soft tissue out of the pocket so that slow-growing bone has a chance to grow and fill it. Some membranes need to be removed later, while others will be absorbed into the body if left in place. The progress of guided tissue regeneration can be monitored with periodic radiographs to verify new bone growth and confirm that growth is proceeding as expected.
While the new bone is growing, the patient may have to follow a strict regimen that includes very careful oral hygiene and proper nutrition. The dentist will make recommendations based on the location of the guided tissue regeneration, the patient’s history, and the specific needs of the patient. When the guided tissue regeneration procedure is recommended, a dentist usually asks the patient if he or she is willing to take on the extra care needed. If the patient is unable to follow up on follow-up care, the procedure may not be as successful.
When a dentist recommends guided tissue regeneration treatment for periodontal disease, the patient may wish to seek a second opinion from another dentist to confirm that it is necessary. Patients should also ask about the dentist’s experience with the procedure and the outcome for patients; a competent dentist should be happy to tell stories of success, which may include x-ray exposures showing healing progress in other patients. Patients should also get detailed information about healing times and post-op procedures before committing to surgery, to ensure they are truly prepared.