Christmas can be difficult for some, causing feelings of sadness, depression, loneliness, and anger. Talking to someone, volunteering, taking a break, and being honest about financial problems can help overcome the Christmas blues. Focus on the good and enjoy the holiday season.
While Christmas for many people means happiness and togetherness, it can also be a difficult time for others. The Christmas blues could start weeks before the holidays and for some it can continue after the celebrations are over. It’s a blend of feelings that can include sadness, depression, loneliness, loss of self-esteem, and anger.
You might feel the blues of Christmas if you recently lost someone close to you, moved to an unfamiliar area, or went through some other kind of drastic change. They can also be caused by accumulated daily stresses, such as financial difficulties, a loved one who is ill, relationship problems, or any other multitude of problems. You may feel like you are the only person going through this, but you are not alone. Many people experience the Christmas blues every year.
The best way to start working your way through these feelings is to talk to someone. Whether it’s a friend, family member, therapist, or spiritual counselor, you can express to them what you’re going through without keeping it all inside. Giving vent to your feelings can help you start moving forward.
Another way you might attempt to beat the Christmas blues is to volunteer. You might be looking for opportunities at a hospital, homeless shelter, library, or any other place near you that needs volunteers. The experience may not only make you feel happier, but it may also bring joy into the lives of others.
There is something to be said for rest and relaxation in a new location. While it may seem counterproductive to go off on your own, you may end up meeting some people and making new friends. You may even have time to try some new and fun activities, and you may come back with a new outlook on life.
The holiday season can be incredibly expensive if you’re not cautious. If you have Christmas blues and believe it may stem from your financial problems, you should be honest with yourself and others about your situation. While you may want to give your loved ones all the gifts on their list, you may not be able to and that’s okay. Instead, you could give them an inexpensive but special gift. A gift given from the heart has the potential to be incredibly meaningful.
While the Christmas blues can be distressing, it’s possible you can get over it and enjoy the Christmas season. Focusing on the unpleasant won’t fix what’s going on in your life. You should focus on all the good that surrounds you and stay fixated on that.