Clear vaginal discharge is normal and can be caused by ovulation, hormonal changes, natural cleansing, or sexual arousal. It is usually odorless and colorless, but changes in frequency, smell, or color may indicate an infection. Yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis can cause abnormal discharge and require medication.
Lighter vaginal discharge is considered normal. It is typically caused by ovulation, hormonal changes, natural cleansing, or sexual arousal. Clear discharge is usually not a cause for concern unless the frequency, smell, or color changes.
In general, most women will experience some type of discharge. The normal frequency can vary between individuals. The discharge is more common around a certain age, when estrogen and progesterone levels start to fluctuate. Normal discharge is usually odorless and colorless, although it can take on a whiter color around ovulation times.
One of the most common causes of clear vaginal discharge is ovulation. The discharge occurs because the cervical glands are stimulated as the ovaries release their eggs. The discharge is usually clear, with a watery consistency. It may contain some white spots and is usually odorless.
Although there is considerable variation, vaginal discharge due to ovulation is usually most noticeable about 14 days after the start of the menstrual cycle, which begins with a woman’s period. Some women may notice daily discharge around the time of ovulation and others may only notice it occasionally. It is considered a normal part of the reproductive cycle and should not be accompanied by itching, pain or discomfort.
Sometimes the cervix goes through natural cleansing cycles which can result in clear discharge. The reasons for this vary, but women are advised not to use shower products to replicate the body’s natural function. Shower products can actually lead to increased irritation and other abnormalities. As long as the discharge isn’t foul-smelling or experienced in combination with pain or itching, there shouldn’t be too much concern.
Teens and teenagers who are going through hormonal changes can experience bouts of clear vaginal discharge. This is because their bodies are trying to establish a regular menstrual cycle and the cervical glands are stimulated by the changes. The frequency usually decreases once regular periods begin.
Sexual arousal is another common cause of normal vaginal discharge. The glands are stimulated to make sexual activity more comfortable and enjoyable. Some women may experience heavier amounts of discharge than others.
A number of vaginal infections can cause abnormal clear or white vaginal discharge. Yeast infections can cause white, clear, or cloudy discharge that is usually accompanied by itching. There are several over-the-counter medications that can help relieve the problem.
Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that could cause clear or white discharge. The infection usually causes the discharge to smell fishy or foul-smelling. Prescription drugs usually take care of the problem.