Frequent headaches can be caused by stress, medical conditions, mouth problems, eye conditions, medication, allergies, and weather conditions. It’s important to see a doctor to rule out serious conditions.
There are many things that cause frequent headaches. One of them is stress. These types of headaches are referred to as tension headaches and can develop not only in response to stress, but also as a result of anxiety and depression. They can occur more frequently in those who are middle-aged or older, but can affect people of all ages.
Sometimes frequent headaches are referred to as cluster headaches; these can occur every day over a period of time. For example, cluster headaches can affect a person for weeks at a time or can even last for months. Sometimes these headaches are related to medical conditions, such as heart disease, infections, or even cancer. They can also occur in a person who has diabetes or another type of condition related to their metabolism. A person may experience cluster headaches after sustaining a head injury and they may linger longer than expected.
Frequent headaches can also occur due to mouth conditions or problems. For example, conditions involving the teeth, such as cavities and impacted teeth, and the jawbone can lead to headaches. Eye conditions can also cause pain here, as can conditions affecting a person’s ear, sinuses, and neck. Sometimes, a person will experience headaches because his vision is not optimal and his eyes are strained. If so, corrective lenses can put an end to the pain.
Even the medication a person takes can cause pain, so it’s wise to find out whether or not headaches are a potential side effect before starting a new medicine. In some cases, a person’s headache can also be attributable to allergies or sensitivities to certain chemicals they are exposed to on a daily basis. Some people are even sensitive to weather conditions, experiencing pain in response to extreme temperatures or certain types of changes in barometric pressure.
Headaches can be caused by problems in less than obvious places. For example, they may be caused by arthritis affecting the spine or degenerative bone disease. Disc disease can also have headaches. Because of the wide range of things that can lead to this problem, some of which are potentially serious, people who suffer frequently should see a doctor to rule out other conditions.