Hematology is the study of blood and bone marrow, with hematologists diagnosing and treating blood disorders. Hematopathologists analyze blood samples and make diagnoses, while nurses and technicians assist in the process. Education and training requirements vary for different hematology jobs.
Hematology is the study of blood and bone marrow from a medical point of view. Physicians who carry out hematology work are called hematologists, and they usually specialize in working with a particular condition or population. Clinical laboratory scientists known as hematopathologists help physicians make diagnoses and treatment decisions based on physical and chemical analyzes of blood samples. Other hematology jobs are performed by nurses and laboratory technicians, who assist physicians and scientists in their work.
Hematologists diagnose and treat patients with blood disorders such as anemia, hemophilia, and thrombosis. Some physicians specialize in pediatric medicine, tailoring services for children and adolescents. Others focus on blood-related cancers like leukemia. Hematologists investigate blood disorders by performing physical examinations and diagnostic imaging tests. They are assisted by nurses, who provide expert assistance and advice to patients. Most hematologists and nurses are employed in general hospitals, although some work in private practices or specialist clinics.
When doctors suspect that a patient may have a blood disorder, they take blood samples and send them to the hospital’s laboratory. A hematopathologist uses microscopes, cell counters and chemical dyes to test and analyze samples, looking for abnormalities such as bacteria and cancer. He or she can determine whether a person has an unusually high or low level of a particular blood component and determine which disease may be causing the condition. The hematopathologist records the findings and makes a diagnosis, then passes the information on to hematologists so they can determine the best course of treatment.
Laboratory technicians who hold hematology positions assist hematopathologists. They take blood samples from doctors, prepare microscope slides, set up equipment, and clean up the lab after experiments. Blood samples that are not tested immediately are labeled and stored in refrigerators. Some technicians receive specialized training to perform basic analysis on samples, allowing hematopathologists to focus on more complex or difficult cases. Technicians also monitor computer databases to ensure information is organized, up-to-date, and accurate.
Education and training requirements for different hematology jobs vary. Hematologists and hematopathologists are generally required to complete medical school and up to six years in residency and fellowship programs before working independently. Most nurses hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree and gain specialized certification from regional boards of directors. Generally, technicians are required to earn associate degrees in medical technology in addition to regional licensure. There is room to advance most hematology jobs with continuing education, experience, and specialist skills.