Organic deeds are laws passed by Congress that establish land as property of the US or delegate a group to manage it. Examples include the 1787 Northwest Territory Act, 1871 DC Organic Act, 1890 Oklahoma Act, and 1900 Hawaii Act.
An organic deed is a type of law passed by the United States Congress that establishes an area of land as property of the United States. This type of act can also describe a law that delegates a certain group or agency to manage the territory of the United States. The first of many organic acts occurred in 1787, and other examples of this type of law include the 1871 Act, the 1890 Act, and the 1900 Hawaii Act.
The first of these laws was the Organic Act of 1787, which created the Northwest Territory of the United States of America. This was approved to designate the first official territory of the United States when it was first formed. The territory was designated by the United States Congress. The Northwest Territory consisted of land south of the Great Lakes, east of the Mississippi River, and, as the name suggests, northwest of the Ohio River. This is the first and perhaps most important organic law to establish the territory of the United States.
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an example of the other type of organic law, which delegates a group to manage the established territory of the United States. As the name suggests, the Act of 1871 served to establish a new government for the District of Columbia. This act united Washington County, the City of Washington, and the City of Georgetown into one territory under federal government. It is for this reason that the area is often referred to as Washington, D.C. The act, however, was abolished in 1874 and the territory is now governed by an elected mayor.
The Organic Act of 1890 is another type of organic law that designated Oklahoma as a United States territory, opening the region up for colonization. Much of this land was formerly considered Native American territory, and it took Congress more than a year to decide to include the territory in the 1890 Act. The Cheyenne-Arapaho, Kiowa-Comanche-Apache, and Osage reservations, among others , I am now located within this territory. Present-day Lincoln, Payne, and Canadian counties are also included in this land.
Another example of an organic law designating a group to manage a United States territory is the Organic Act of 1900. This law formed a government for the occupied territory of Hawaii. Hawaii was declared a United States territory on August 12, 1898, but it wasn’t until 1900 that a government was formed in the territory. This act was effective retroactively, to when the land was claimed by the United States in 1898. Hawaii became a sovereign state of the United States of America, with its capital at Honolulu on the island of Oahu.