Plum chutney is a popular Indian condiment that can be sweet, spicy, or savory. It is made with a variety of plums and spices, and can be preserved in jars or refrigerated. British explorers brought chutneys to England, and it has since spread to other parts of the world. Recipes can be found online or in cookbooks.
Plum chutney is an Indian condiment popular in many parts of the world. Generally, people use chutney to flavor bland dishes or to complement meat dishes, including chicken. In India, cooks usually make fresh chutney for the meal, but in other areas, people make chutney and preserve it by keeping it in jars or by refrigeration. Plum chutneys can be savoury, spicy or sweet, depending on the ingredients.
A cook may use a variety of plums and typically the type of plum used will affect the flavor of the chutney. Sweet or tart plums or a combination of both can be used. Red, black and green plums are popular choices.
Although many types of chutneys are made with raw vegetables, plum chutneys and other fruit chutneys are often cooked. A person usually boils the vinegar and sugar and adds more ingredients when the sugar is completely dissolved in the vinegar. A recipe may call for cider, malt or malt vinegar, and lemon juice. The acid and sugar help preserve the chutney and add flavour. Sugar can be white or brown.
Other ingredients commonly include spices such as star anise, cinnamon and cloves. Savory toppings can include fresh or dried ginger, mustard seeds, and black pepper. Often cooks add sweet or sour apples. After cooking, a cook chills the chutney mixture and processes it in a food processor or blender. Traditionally, Indian cooks grind chutney on a chutney stone that resembles a mortar and pestle.
Sweet and tangy fruit chutneys are similar to sweeter sauces. A cook may reduce the chutney to a puree-like consistency, which is traditional, or leave it chunkier, which is a modern take. The seasoning is usually thick. In some areas of India, such as the West Bengal region, plum chutney is a fresh chutney. It contains no preservative ingredients because a cook prepares it just before the meal.
Early British explorers discovered chutneys in India and brought the concept back to England. English cooks have developed their own style, including preserved plum chutney. As the British Empire expanded, British cooks introduced plum chutneys to other areas. Some of the areas where they have introduced the chutney include the Caribbean Islands, the American South and South Africa.
Some food writers have written cookbooks containing only chutney recipes. Several cookbooks cover chutneys, pickles, and other preserves. A person can also find chutney recipes on the internet. Typically, a person can search “plum chutney recipe” to find recipes on web-based recipe sites.