A realistic job preview informs candidates of the good and bad aspects of a job, reducing employee turnover and helping them make informed decisions. It can take many forms, such as videos, written testimonials, or a series of questions, and can be created internally or by consultants.
A realistic job preview is a discussion of the good and bad aspects of a job to give the candidate an idea of what to expect. This helps people decide if they are a good fit for a particular position. Making informed choices can reduce employee turnover, and people will be less likely to start their jobs and experience disappointment or confusion due to a lack of knowledge of key job details. Many companies offer a realistic preview of the job early in the application process and it can take many forms.
Some companies have videos to give people a glimpse into life in the workplace. The video will document working conditions and may include interviews with employees who talk about things they enjoy, such as employee benefits and a pleasant work environment, as well as disadvantages, such as working long hours or having to work weekends. Other companies may offer written employee testimonials, often with a supplement of frequently asked questions to address specific concerns that potential hires might have.
The realistic job preview can also take the form of a series of questions. The questions provide tips on various situations and working conditions. Based on the responses, the interviewer can provide the applicant with more information about the job, as well as advice to help the applicant make a good decision regarding the progress of the application. For example, if a workplace expects self-discipline from employees and a candidate says they prefer close supervision and mentoring, the interviewer could make her aware of the independent nature of the job, as this could make the job less attractive .
Realistic job previews can help employees prepare psychologically, as well as establish confidence early on. Instead of painting a rosy picture, the employer is being forthright and this makes employees feel like they can take their employers’ and supervisors’ word for it. Honesty about less exciting or unpleasant parts of the job assures people who consider the company that it’s not withholding information in the hopes of enticing people to take contracts and thus throwing unpleasant surprises on them.
Companies can contract with consultants to create a realistic preview of the work. The consultant will interview employees, review workplace manuals, and tour the workplace to learn more about working conditions, satisfaction levels, and company culture. Using this information and acting as an outsider who may have a more neutral view on the company, the consultant prepares a realistic job preview to assist the company in the application process. Companies can also work internally on such projects.