Genetics focuses on genes, while genomics studies an organism’s entire genome. Comparative genomics compares genomes of different species, providing insight into evolutionary selection and human genomics. It can help develop personalized drug regimens and studying simpler organisms can provide valuable insights into the human genome. The Human Genome Project has mapped the entire human genome and those of other organisms.
The science of genetics focuses on genes as a unit of heredity and how that information is passed on. On a completely different level, genomics focuses on an organism’s entire genome, which includes all of its genetic information. The field of genomics is divided into several categories, including functional and comparative genomics. While functional genomics is primarily concerned with how genes and the genome function in a given organism, comparative genomics focuses on comparing the genomes of different species.
Comparative genomics is a useful topic of study for many reasons. One is that examining and comparing the genomes of a variety of different species provides insight into how evolutionary selection affects the genome. While this field is still young, it may be able to shed a lot of light on the evolving aspects of recent events. Another important aspect of this scientific discipline is the study of comparative human genomics.
Scientists studying comparative genomics may examine one or more characteristics of several different genomes. These characteristics may include the locations of genes, similarity of gene sequences, and the distribution of coding and non-coding regions in individual genes and in the genome as a whole. By examining the differences between genomes of a variety of species, it is possible to determine the types of genes that are similar or divergent between species. This information can be used to explore how evolution has affected the genomes of these species.
In the field of human genomics, there is enormous potential for significant advances in medical research. For example, studying the human genome can provide information about targets for new drugs and even allow for the ability to individualize drugs on a case-by-case basis. The development of personalized drug regimens has the potential to significantly reduce the incidence of abnormal drug reactions. These occur because individual variations in the genome cause people to react to drugs slightly differently, sometimes in harmful ways.
Comparative genomics is useful here because studying simpler organisms like a mouse or rabbit can provide valuable insights into the human genome. This may seem counterintuitive, but in reality the genomes of these species share many genes in common, making studies of small mammals highly relevant to the field of human medicine. The study of comparative human genomics has been furthered by the completion of the Human Genome Project. This project is essentially a map of the entire human genome, which includes 20,000 to 25,000 genes. The genomes of many other organisms have also been mapped, including the mouse.