The Birkin bag, made by hand in France by Hermes, is a highly sought-after luxury accessory named after its first owner, Jane Birkin. Its unique design and limited production make it a status symbol for the very rich, with prices starting at $7,000 and customizable options reaching up to $150,000. Each bag takes up to 25 hours to create and is made with the finest animal skins, including ostriches, lizards, and crocodiles. Only a select few highly-trained artisans are skilled enough to work with particular hides, such as crocodile leather.
A Birkin bag is a handbag made by hand in France by the Hermes Group, which was originally founded by the Hermes family in 1837. It does not bear a logo, but its unique design and limited production make it one of the most sought after bags in the world. world. Named after the Birkin’s first owner, European actress and singer Jane Birkin, the bag made its public debut in 1984. The Birkin is not mass-produced and is therefore a much more unique bag than many other bags and luxury accessories.
The high sticker price for a Birkin bag also pushes it well beyond the average price range of most consumers and propels it into being a status symbol for the very rich. While Hermes is known for high-priced fashion accessories, overall the Birkin far surpasses all other bags in the Hermes line. The bags start at just over $7,000 United States Dollars (USD) and since each one is customizable, many are priced as high as $150,000 USD.
For several years after the bag’s debut, the Birkin was only achievable by a waiting list that sometimes lasted two years. Hand-sewn in France by a single skilled artisan, each bag consists of the finest animal skins, which must be perfect. Some of the animal skins used include ostriches, lizards, and crocodiles. The search for exotic skins for the Birkin bag can take up to two years and labor can take another two weeks, meaning only a few Birkins are completed per week.
Although expensive, each Birkin is created to last a lifetime. While a knockoff Birkin bag might look appealing, it’s the attention to detail that has made these particular Hermes bags so popular. Each thread used to construct the bag is first coated with beeswax before being used to hand-stitch the skins. Once constructed, each Birkin bag is fitted with 14-karat gold hardware, is hand-polished and hand-painted, and the bag’s seams are individually polished. Working several hours a day, each bag takes up to 25 hours to create.
Hermes specially trains leather makers with previous experience in making the Birkin bag at the Hermes school for a period of one year before allowing a single artisan to work on a bag. Of approximately 800 highly-trained artisans, only a select few are skilled enough to work with particular hides. One such leather used by Hermes that limited craftsmen are allowed to work with is crocodile leather, which easily and permanently bears a craftsman’s fingerprints if mishandled.