Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, can occur at any time of day and is caused by hormonal and physical changes. It usually subsides by the end of the first trimester. A bland diet, small portions, and switching prenatal vitamins or taking vitamin B6 can help alleviate symptoms. Severe or excessive vomiting should be addressed by a doctor.
Morning sickness is the standard term applied to nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Although it’s called morning sickness, and many women find that nausea and vomiting are worse in the morning, it can occur at any time of day. Morning sickness usually subsides by the end of the first trimester, giving way to indigestion and heartburn during the third trimester, when the uterus has expanded to accommodate the growing fetus and puts pressure on the upper digestive tract.
The physical causes of morning sickness aren’t well understood, but they are clearly related to the hormonal and physical changes a woman’s body undergoes with pregnancy. One theory is that increased human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone is the main cause of morning sickness. Another possible cause of morning sickness is a heightened sensitivity to odors. A smell that may not have been offensive before pregnancy can suddenly become nauseating, triggering the gag reflex. This may also be linked to an increase in hormones, especially estrogen, but is still unknown.
A woman’s gastrointestinal system may react strangely to changes that occur during pregnancy. Chances are that morning sickness is caused by any combination of increased hormone levels and physical changes. Some studies indicate that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy and reduces the risk of later complications.
Nearly three-quarters of pregnant women experience morning sickness at some point and to some extent during their pregnancy. It is more common in early pregnancies, but can also occur in subsequent pregnancies. The most common treatment for morning sickness is to smile and bear it.
It can help eliminate foods that trigger nausea or that are spicy or fatty. A bland diet helps many women overcome the period of morning sickness. You can also try eating small portions more frequently and avoid large meals all together.
If you experience morning sickness with no relief, you may want to talk to your doctor about switching prenatal vitamins or taking vitamin B6. While vitamin B6’s effectiveness on morning sickness hasn’t been proven, taking it has appeared to help some sufferers. Talk to your doctor before you start taking any vitamins or medications while pregnant.
If you have morning sickness so severe that it impairs your ability to eat or poses a risk of dehydration, you may have a more serious condition that can affect your pregnancy and baby. Severe or excessive vomiting during pregnancy should be addressed by a doctor. If you’re recently pregnant and don’t have a doctor, but are experiencing severe morning sickness, see your GP or visit the emergency room. Dehydration during pregnancy can be serious.