Litigation software helps lawyers organize case documents and can aid in legal discovery. It can also provide links to precedents and laws. The versatility and mobile access of the software make it attractive to law firms.
Litigation software is any type of software program or product that assists attorneys or other legal personnel in their work. Most litigation software helps lawyers organize documents related to a case or trial. Litigation management or litigation support software can have a positive effect on legal outcomes when all the necessary information can be kept close at hand for easy access and reference. It can also speed up the process of logging and correlating massive amounts of data that might have peripheral relevance to a case.
In any trial or legal case, there are many types of litigation documents that need to be collected and organized. From documents that provide relevant dollar figures to a case, to those that provide evidence or establish compliance with legal processes, all of the many different pieces of information that an attorney has to work with can be difficult to keep track of. A litigation database or software system can help organize documentation for a particular case or for multiple cases over a year or other time period.
Litigation software may also include computer programs that aid in “legal discovery.” If lawyers need to extract data from existing information to support a case, specialized computer programs can be an essential part of a legal strategy. Effective litigation management involves examining all the ways software tools can help busy lawyers solve a complex case.
Litigation software may also provide links to precedents of existing cases or federal, state or local laws. Lawyers can review them and apply them to ongoing litigation. Computer software can streamline the matching process and bring together all relevant documents.
Most of what goes into litigation is research and documentation that many attorneys view litigation software as a key element in the journey from desk to courtroom. This type of legal software can connect to mobile phones and personal devices via wireless networks, allowing lawyers more mobile access to case notes or other data. The versatility of litigation software is part of the allure of this type of product and one of the main reasons thriving law firms are looking to transition to today’s technology to more effectively handle cases and represent clients.