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What’s “in the loop” mean?


Being in the loop means being informed and included in important plans and changes. It requires effort from both oneself and others. Those who are out of the loop may feel left out and miss important information. It is also a self-inflicted excuse for missing deadlines or appointments.

People who know they are around have every right to be safe. Someone who is this position is an essential part of someone in a crowd. Whether the cycle those people are in involves exclusive invitations to secret parties or business meetings, being there means others go out of their way to make sure they are informed about plans, changes of plans, and anything else that might be important. .

However, being in such a state does not depend entirely on the efforts of others. While prominent types, such as bank presidents, heads of state and rock stars are likely kept around by a bevy of individuals for whom keeping them there is a full-time job, most people who are in the ride fully aware that this is not necessarily a lifetime appointment. If they miss a date or can’t figure out the subtle nuance of a social situation or even just a look, being around can quickly become out of place. This means that those in the loop must keep an eye out for changes in structure, pecking order or purpose and adjust their behaviors and expectations accordingly.

It’s a bad sign, for example, when one business partner “forgets” to let another know about an important meeting where important decisions need to be made on the spot. There’s a good chance that the partner, who was previously an integral part of the cycle, is about to be kicked out. A once devoted lover who neglects to let his beloved know what is going on tonight could push that person towards the door.

Being around doesn’t just mean paying attention to information that could change your position, it also comes with a certain amount of responsibility. Someone in the crowd has a responsibility to pass on information that is not for public consumption to other members of the group. Information circulates from one person to another, until the ring, or circle, has been closed.

Someone who isn’t invited is, of course, out of the loop. Things go on that such an individual is unaware of and may, in fact, have no inkling of at all. As most people remember from high school, being outside isn’t always all that pleasant and can bring with it a sense of shame or a dip in self-esteem.

Being out of the loop, though, can also be self-inflicted. Claiming to be out of the loop has been an excuse for many people for missing a deadline or appointment, not knowing about an important moment in a friend’s life, or just failing to make it through. It’s the modern equivalent of “I got off at the wrong bus stop” and while the apology is generally recognized as such, it’s usually accepted with a graceful smile because being out of the loop is a state in which most people can identify.
