Part-time bar jobs include bouncers, waiters, bartenders, dishwashers, bar-backs, stock persons, and DJs. Bar owners schedule the best workers for the busiest times and use part-time employees to save money. Different types of bartenders attract different crowds, and entertainment such as bands and comedians also fill part-time jobs. Some off-duty officers work as security guards for extra pay and contact with customers.
Some of the various and well-known part-time bar jobs are bouncers, waiters, and bartenders. There are also some lesser known part-time bar jobs such as dishwasher, bar-back or stock person and disc jockey. Many of these jobs involve direct contact with crowds of customers and can influence repeat business from a customer based on the level of service provided. To save money on wages and maximize the best employees with the busiest work schedule, some bar owners choose to run several employees on part-time jobs and none on full-time jobs.
Many bar owners know that different types of bartenders attract different types of crowds. For this reason, many part-time bartending jobs include bartenders or servers. The owner will schedule the best draw for certain nights and save the best workers for the busiest times. Not only does this allow the bar to operate at its absolute best, it also helps to bring in some customers for what would otherwise be a slow change. Many bartenders advertise their work hours on a social media site in an effort to attract customers to the bar during certain shifts.
Bouncers and door men are also types of part-time bar jobs. A slow night may not require a security guard, however a busier weekend night may require two or more security guards or a doorman to maintain a smooth shift. Most of these employees are used on a part-time basis, to save the bar owner money. Entertainment such as bands, disc jockeys and comedians are also filling part-time bar jobs and some jobs and get only tips. In some areas, these performers actually pay the bar to do their act in an attempt to publicize the public.
Dishwashers, cooks, and stock staff also fill part-time jobs at the bar, with some of these workers doing multiple jobs inside the bar. It’s not uncommon for a dishwasher to also work as part of an entertainment crew in an effort to become a well-known musician. In some areas, off-duty officers will fill security jobs at local bars, both for the extra pay and contact with customers. Crime ringleaders, criminal suspects, and even new people to date on the social scene are often motivating factors for a police officer to take up this type of part-time job.