Frotteurism is a non-consensual sexual act where one person rubs against another in a crowded area. It is a diagnosable disorder and can lead to severe consequences. Frottage, on the other hand, is a consensual act. The term “frotteurism” comes from the French word “frotter,” meaning “to rub.”
Frotteurism is a form of sexual assault that involves a person stimulating themselves by rubbing against another person who is not participating in a consenting sexual act. This is typically done in a crowded area such as a concert or on a crowded subway, bus, or train. Individuals targeted by this form of assault may not even be aware of the activity. It is a paraphilic disorder diagnosable by psychological professionals and often treated with various cognitive, behavioral and pharmacological approaches. Frotteurism should not be confused with “frottage,” which is a similar activity undertaken by consenting individuals for sexual stimulation or gratification.
The term “frotteurism” comes from the French word frotter, which means “to rub,” and frotteur translates as “one who rubs.” While it is often classified as a misdemeanor under various legal statutes, it is still a form of sexual assault and the consequences can be severe depending on the situation. Someone who is a victim of frotteurism may not even be aware of the crime, but still may feel violated or otherwise assaulted by the offending individual. It should also be noted that such actions against a child may be an early warning sign of subsequent sexual abuse against children by a perpetrator.
Frotteurism usually consists of one person rubbing against another person for sexual arousal or gratification. While most of these actions are perpetrated by men against women, it is not uncommon for men to be targeted by women as well. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), frotteurism is typically diagnosed when the urge to rub against others occurs for six months or longer and leads to negative consequences of some kind. This may include loss of job or family, arrest and prosecution, and other similar indicators of an inability to control these desires.
The term “frottage” was used in some early legal statutes and psychological descriptions of frotteurism, although the two words have since lost their nature as synonyms. Frottage is now used to describe sexual acts of rubbing between two or more consenting participants. Some older statutes against frotteurism still include the term “frottage” when discussing the illegality of the practice, although they should not be confused. In general, such acts are considered sexual assault when perpetrated against a unwilling or unwitting target.