Chronic glomerulonephritis destroys the glomeruli in the kidneys, leading to difficulty in blood filtration. Causes include autoimmune disorders and diabetes. Treatment involves controlling high blood pressure and may require dialysis or a transplant. Success depends on controlling symptoms and identifying the cause.
Chronic glomerulonephritis causes destruction of the glomeruli in the kidneys. Each glomerulus is made up of blood vessels that filter blood and help produce urine, so when they become dysfunctional, the kidneys begin to have difficulty with blood filtration. This can lead to initial symptoms, such as small amounts of blood in the urine. Some cases resolve without treatment, but for many, treatment is necessary to sustain life.
Many times, the causes of chronic glomerulonephritis are not easily identifiable. Certain diseases can predispose a patient to developing this condition, including autoimmune disorders such as end-stage AIDS, lupus, and some blood sugar disorders such as diabetes. In about 25% of people, however, the cause is unknown and those affected have had no previous kidney health problems.
Often, the condition is diagnosed through a urinalysis, which will show blood and protein in the urine. Because it frequently causes high blood pressure, those with high blood pressure are also typically screened for the disease. Additional tests that can confirm the condition are ultrasounds of the abdomen and kidneys and chest X-ray. Patients often retain fluid, which can show up in the lungs. Some medical professionals also prefer to perform a biopsy of the kidneys, as identifying the cause when possible can alter treatment.
Treatment for chronic glomerulonephritis may depend on the cause, if it can be identified. One of the main concerns is the control of high blood pressure, which while being a cause of the disease, can also contribute to making it worse. Also, high blood pressure alone poses a higher risk of stroke and should be treated. Normally, hypertension is treated with a variety of blood pressure medications, and patients may also need to follow a low-salt, low-fluid diet.
In severe cases, kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed to help the body filter blood products properly. Transplantation can often stop the disease, but it can be difficult to achieve. If the disease is caused by conditions such as AIDS, lupus or diabetes, a transplant may not be successful. The condition can also recur in the transplanted kidney.
Treatment success depends on the degree to which symptoms can be controlled or stopped. Serious damage to the kidneys, called nephrotic syndrome, can be irreversible. When that damage can be controlled, patients can recover well. Of course, the treatment outcome also depends on the cause, and with diseases like AIDS, the condition tends to get progressively worse.