Climate comparison uses modern technology to compare climate data from different cities, regions, or countries for travel planning, agriculture, and climatic studies. It differs from weather, which is short-term, and uses accumulated data from weeks, months, or years. Scientists use various techniques, including tree rings and crops, to collect data. The amount of available comparative climate data has increased with the development of computer systems, leading to predictions for the future. The world’s climate system is complex, combining various factors, and the data is often highly localized and contradictory.
A climate comparison is when climate data from two cities, regions or countries is pitted against each other and compared. Such comparisons use modern technology and all available data to map local and national climate data. The information is used for travel planning, agriculture and for the study of climatic phenomena.
The climate is different from the weather. The latter is a short-term combination of factors including temperature, atmospheric pressure and cloud activity. The climate is a longer-term model based on accumulated weather data. The data can be spread over weeks, months or years. It can also use information from decades and centuries.
A common use of a climate comparison is to plan holidays and vacations. The simplest data used is the average temperature. For example, if a family in Austin, Texas wants to choose a place on the east coast of America to go on vacation, they can compare the average temperatures of cities like Charleston and Atlanta.
To accumulate the data, the scientists record the temperature every day. These readings will be at a specific time of day. Then they take the readings, say for May 20th, of each year since the first reading. The average therefore indicates to the potential visitor the average temperature of May 20th. The same can be done for specific weeks or months of the year.
More complex forms of climate comparison involve additional data. Archaeologists around the world collect data from tree rings. The results are extremely localized, as it depends on the weather experienced by that tree. If the year is warm, the ring will be thick, and if the year is cold, the ring will be thin. Tree ring cores form climate chronologies by combining data from trees of different ages.
Other climate comparison techniques include crops. These are also localized, as they depend on the quality of the soil. Farmers use climate information to know when and where to plant crops.
The amount of available comparative climate data increased exponentially during the 20th century. This has coincided with the development of computer systems and investigations into the history of the Earth’s climate. Computer modeling and data processing have led not only to the history of the earth’s climate, but also to predictions for the future.
The amount of climate data available to scientists shows how complex the world’s climate system is. It’s a dynamic system that combines currents, the moon, land activity, and more. The data is often highly localized and often contradictory. Comparison climate data has been used to prove global warming, but also to disprove it.