Personal litigation involves legal representation for individuals in areas such as employment, real estate, family law, and estate planning. It includes both court cases and transactional work such as drafting and negotiating agreements. Personal litigation attorneys may act as independent administrators of an estate, represent clients in employment discrimination and wrongful termination hearings, and advise prospective buyers on property sale agreements.
Personal litigation is the legal representation on behalf of individuals in areas of personal law, involving legal issues that many people will occasionally have occasion to deal with. It is not limited to court cases but also involves “transactional” work, drafting and negotiating agreements in this type of case. Often, this type of practice is a small division of a larger company.
Personal law includes representation in cases involving employment, real estate, family law, and estate planning. Lawyers practicing in this area also handle matters such as income tax and small business planning. The attorney’s representation is not limited to one side of a legal matter, in the sense that he represents his client in whatever legal role the client, plaintiff, or defendant may have.
Real estate law can include disputes between neighbors about boundaries between their respective properties or interference with a right of way. Sometimes litigation may involve the interpretation of real estate sales contracts or the enforcement of the terms of residential and commercial leases. A personal litigation attorney may also be involved in the negotiation and drafting of contracts involving the sale or lease of property. You can also advise a prospective buyer whether the terms of a property sale agreement are fair and legal before it is signed.
The dissolution of a marriage can lead to issues of property division, child custody, support and visitation. Some of these issues can be resolved through mediation. Some or all may need to be litigated in court. A personal litigation attorney also handles family matters such as adoptions, paternity actions, and grandparent visitation rights. You may also get protection orders for your clients in cases of domestic violence.
Contractual agreements are also an important part of employment law. They can involve benefits packages, family leave, moving expenses and severance pay. A personal litigation attorney may be involved in the negotiation and drafting of all provisions of an employment contract. You may also represent clients in employment discrimination and wrongful termination hearings in court or before administrative bodies. In some cases, you may act as an independent arbitrator or mediator in employment disputes.
When a family business is involved, estate planning may also include planning for family members to take over the business. A personal litigation attorney can assist with these matters and also with estate tax planning. He may also act as an independent administrator of an estate, in order to carry out the intent of the person who made the will. You can also represent someone who wishes to challenge the validity of a will in court.