Chondrites are meteorites that have not been altered by entering the Earth’s atmosphere. They account for 86% of all meteoric material and are divided into 15 groups based on chemical composition. The three most common types are ordinary, carbonaceous, and enstatite chondrites. These meteorites contain rare metals, base metals, and refractory materials, as well as grains from before the formation of the solar system. There are an estimated 27,000 chondrites in collections worldwide.
Chondrite is a scientific term for a meteorite that has not been altered in size, shape, or composition as a result of entering the Earth’s atmosphere. When the materials of a meteorite have not been separated or melted due to the extreme heat to which they are subjected upon entry, the remaining rock is referred to as a chondrite meteorite. These meteorites account for about 86 percent of all meteoric material recovered from the Earth’s surface. Meteorites that don’t contain “crondules,” or grain-like droplets of previously molten material, are thought to have formed the basis of our solar system. Chondrons assimilate to meteorites; meteorites without chondrules are called “achondrites”.
Chondrites are separated into 15 distinct groups which are classified according to their chemical composition. Common identification of chondrite usually falls into one of three groups: ordinary chondrite, carbonaceous chondrite, and enstatite chondrite. Ordinary chondrite samples account for 90% of all finds. Carbonaceous chondrites make up less than 5% of all chondrites found, and enstatite chondrite materials make up less than 2% of all finds.
Ordinary chondrites contain numerous chondroids and varying amounts of metals. Ordinary chondrite materials are further divided into three categories: high iron content, low iron content, and low metal and iron content. About half of all ordinary chondrites found on earth are type L, or low in iron. About 40% are type H, or high-iron varieties. The rest of the ordinary chondrites are made up of the rare LL, or low metal and iron type.
Carbonaceous chondrites contain refractory elements, which glow or glow when exposed to light. They contain varying amounts of chondron and are classified according to the amount and type of metals they contain. They are also classified further by the amount of refractory material they possess.
Enstatite chondrites are different from their cousins in that the component metals are almost always reduced to some form. For example, most enstatite chondrites contain a large amount of iron. Instead of the metal or sulfide form, the iron contained in enstatite chondrite meteorites is almost always in the form of iron oxide.
In addition to rare metals, base metals, and refractory materials, chondrites are often embedded with grains of material that date from before the formation of the solar system. These are of particular interest to astronomers and scientists who wish to learn about the formation of our solar system, galaxy and earth. There are an estimated 27,000 chondrites in scientific and public collections worldwide, as well as many more in the hands of private citizens.