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What’s Sweet Potato Month?


February is Sweet Potato Month, which coincides with African American History Month. Sweet potatoes are not potatoes or yams and can be stored year-round. They stabilize blood sugars and are rich in vitamins and fiber. Sweet potatoes are versatile and can be used in various dishes, including desserts.

Sweet Potato Month is February. Better known as African American History Month, February is the perfect time to celebrate the sweet potato while dusting off your history. February is actually both Potato and Sweet Potato Month, but that could change. There is a working website to change National Sweet Potato Month from February to November.

When National Sweet Potato Month rolls around this year, be sure to baffle your friends. First, sweet potatoes aren’t potatoes at all. They are roots. Sweet potatoes are also not the same as yams. Chances are those candy potatoes you had over the holidays weren’t sweet potatoes at all. Yams are round with a dark skin, not tapered, and generally only found in tropical specialty stores. Potatoes have more starch and less sugar than sweet potatoes and are grown only in tropical and subtropical climates. However, in the US, you can call them whatever you like.

Sweet potatoes can be stored year-round, so they’re good to eat anytime, with no particular season when they’re at their best. You can even save them for Sweet Potato Month. Don’t refrigerate sweet potatoes; they are best kept between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit (12-18 degrees Celsius). Also use a stainless steel knife, even if you prefer carbon blades, as a carbon blade will darken a sweet potato.

Sweet potatoes should be part of any daily diet as they stabilize blood sugars. They are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and B6. Sweet potatoes are a good source of iron and potassium. Include the skin the next time you eat one to get more fiber than a bowl of oatmeal. There’s no reason to choose a single month of sweet potatoes for these gems.

Don’t think sweet potatoes are just for topping with marshmallows. Sweet potatoes are versatile. They’re great for breakfast bread and muffins, or swap them out for regular potatoes in your favorite sausage and potato dish. Try them for lunch as fries, in soups or salads. Don’t forget dessert, sweet potatoes are a key ingredient in a mountain of desserts you’ll love to experiment with. There’s no reason not to indulge in a simple baked sweet potato topped with raisins, brown sugar, and cinnamon. However you decide to celebrate Sweet Potato Month, it’s sure to be a yummy one.
