“Oliver Twist” is a novel by Charles Dickens about an orphaned boy who faces many hardships in his young life. The novel follows his life from birth to young adulthood and highlights the problems faced by orphans in London during the 1800s. The story has been adapted into numerous plays and films and was written to raise awareness about the mistreatment of orphaned children.
Charles Dickens published the novel Oliver Twist in 1838. This was the second published novel by the famous author and it became the subject of numerous plays and films. Oliver Twist is the name of the main character, an orphaned boy born outside London who goes through many hardships in his young life. The novel follows the life of the orphan, from his birth through young adulthood, during which he learns life lessons that mirror the problems of orphans in London during the 1800s.
Oliver Twist was born to a mother who died in childbirth outside a nursing home. After his mother’s death, Oliver was sent to live on a children’s farm, where he was poorly cared for until he was old enough to return to hospice to work for a small wage for the rest of his life. adult life. As a child, Oliver Twist spoke out against the mistreatment of orphans on the children’s farm and was branded a troublemaker after asking the principal for another helping of food. This scene has become one of the best-known parts of the novel and its reproductions.
After Oliver entered hospice, he encountered a series of unfortunate events. The character had a hard time finding an apprenticeship, at one point he was severely beaten and eventually ran away. At this point in the novel, Dickens gave the character new depth by introducing Oliver to Fagin, the leader of a gang of thieves in London. Oliver joined the gang and became a reluctant little offender.
During the latter part of the novel, Oliver has fought against the sordid lives of the criminals he has joined forces with. He escaped twice, only to be hunted down again by his gang. During this part of the novel, many readers come to relate to the main character, discovering that he is not such a bad child, just a victim of circumstance.
As a central character, Oliver Twist represents the horde of orphaned children who lived in London during the 1800s, known as the Abandoned Children. Dickens wrote the novel as a way to alert the public to the problems those orphaned children faced, such as cruelty, abuse, hunger and lack of opportunity. The novel was a success, and several producers have since adapted the story for film and stage, including a musical and several other productions.