Excess vaginal discharge is normal during ovulation and pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations, but can also be caused by progesterone imbalances or yeast infections. However, brown or foul-smelling discharge may indicate a more serious medical condition and should be evaluated by a doctor.
Excess vaginal discharge is most commonly caused by the hormonal surge that accompanies ovulation and is also a normal part of pregnancy, particularly in the early stages. Women who have progesterone imbalance or who are taking birth control pills with high doses of this particular hormone may also see more bleeding than they are used to. Yeast infections could also be the cause, particularly if the discharge is accompanied by pain or itching, although in many cases, there is no specific cause. Medical experts generally agree that it’s quite normal to see temporary increases in discharge as a routine part of the female reproductive cycle. The discharge comes and goes with normal hormonal fluctuations, and some days will almost certainly be wetter and wetter than others. However, women who are concerned about the amount of discharge they are seeing are encouraged to get checked out by a doctor, particularly if the discharge is brown, rust-colored, or particularly foul-smelling, as it could indicate a more serious medical condition.
One of the most common causes of excess vaginal discharge is ovulation, which is when a woman’s ovaries release an egg into the uterus for fertilization. The cervical glands secrete mucus to help sperm find that egg and achieve pregnancy. Women who pay attention to their menstrual cycle often notice a sudden increase in vaginal discharge about two weeks after the first day of their period. This is when ovulation tends to occur in women of childbearing age and the main sign of this event is the extra discharge known as cervical mucus.
The increase in the sex hormone progesterone during ovulation also often leads to extra vaginal lubrication. Most women produce natural lubrication at all times, although in many it is the thickest and richest around ovulation as this will make intercourse run smoothly, thus making pregnancy more likely. An additional cause of excessive discharge during this period is sexual arousal, although this can happen at any point in the cycle.
Heavy discharge is also very common during the first weeks of pregnancy. The increased blood flow to the vagina during these first few weeks combines with the increase in progesterone to produce extra secretions to not only protect the fertilized egg but also to create a moist place for it to grow and develop.
Sometimes things go back to normal once the pregnancy really takes root, but not always. Depending on the woman, there can sometimes be a lot of leakage that pretty much never stops as the body adjusts to the growth of the fetus. This can last until delivery and beyond. Pregnant women are often advised not to wear tampons, usually to avoid the risk of infection, but panty liners and light pads are often advised to keep the underwear dry and the woman more comfortable as the pregnancy progresses. Pregnant women should also know that while clear or white discharge is considered normal, anything that appears streaked with pink or red should be evaluated by a healthcare professional right away.
Progesterone imbalances
In regards to both ovulation and pregnancy, the main driver behind increased bleeding is the hormone progesterone, but a woman does not have to be either ovulatory or pregnant to see spikes in this chemical which can lead to increased bleeding. ‘humidity. Birth control that contains this hormone, for example, can cause excess vaginal discharge because it can trick the body into assuming it is pregnant. Women who are bothered by this issue might consider switching to a different formula.
More serious conditions
In some cases, excess vaginal discharge is not a normal occurrence; instead, it can signal an infection or even vaginal or cervical cancer. This is especially true when the discharge is pink or brown, because it can be a sign that it may contain blood. A yeast infection can cause secretions to build up thicker than usual and lead to itching and irritation. Those with cancer may notice that their discharge smells bad or is especially watery. Women with these symptoms are advised to consult their doctor to determine the specific cause.