A wrongful death attorney specializes in handling wrongful death cases, acting as a criminal defense attorney or prosecutor. They interview clients, gather evidence, and build a case to defend against manslaughter charges. The attorney’s goal may be to fully acquit the client or present a defense that suggests the lowest possible conviction.
A wrongful death attorney is an attorney who specializes in handling wrongful death cases. Typically, such attorneys act as criminal defense attorneys, building a case to defend someone accused of manslaughter and charged in court. In some cases, a wrongful death attorney may act as a prosecutor or work with a prosecution team to bring a more effective case to court. To work as a wrongful death attorney, you must complete law school, successfully pass bar, and work in the area of wrongful death to gain experience and skills to use in court.
Manslaughter charges are brought in cases where one person kills another, but does not act maliciously and did not intend the death. This can include cases such as traffic accidents or murders after being provoked. Many regions distinguish between intentional and involuntary homicide, and a number of factors are assessed in the case, including the defendant’s state of mind, the specifics of the case, whether it was negligence, and so on.
A person accused of wrongful death is usually advised to work with a defense attorney and may be specifically referred to a wrongful death attorney. The benefit of working with a wrongful death attorney is the years of experience the attorney brings to the case. The attorney may have defended similar cases in the past, be very familiar with the law, and may also be familiar with law enforcement practices and area judges, two things that can be helpful in court as you present your defense.
Wrongful homicide attorneys will interview their clients to gain insight into the case, solicit and gather evidence to present for the defense, and begin building a case based on the materials gathered during the search. If the prosecution offers a plea deal or any other type of settlement, the wrongful death attorney will review the settlement and make recommendations to the client. Wrongful death attorneys can also participate in plea deals, supporting their clients and making sure people don’t give up their day in court in exchange for a potentially bad settlement.
Depending on the case, the attorney’s goal may be to fully acquit the client for a not guilty verdict or to present a defense that suggests the only reasonable conviction would be the lowest possible option presented to the jury. This would reduce the amount of time the client will spend in jail and can also reduce the fees and other penalties associated with a conviction.