To join the US Coast Guard, visit a recruiting office and pass mental and physical tests. Attend basic training in New Jersey, learning military behavior, physical conditioning, and swimming skills. Graduation requires passing physical tests, including a swim circuit and race.
If you want to join the United States Coast Guard, you should go to a recruiting office. Once you find a coastguard recruiter, you will be required to pass various mental and physical tests, reaching a certain score. Upon being cleared to enlist, you will need to attend basic training and successfully complete all aspects of training, completing a final physical agility and swimming test. Upon satisfactory completion of all Coast Guard training, testing and physical conditioning, you will be a member of the Coast Guard forces and assigned to a duty station.
The US Coast Guard is involved in natural disasters, drug enforcement and anti-terrorist patrols on a daily basis. If you want to join the service in full-time or reserve status, you’ll need to reach out to a recruiter and express your interest in custody. You will be physically examined to ensure that you will be able to withstand the basic training you will undergo and mentally tested to assess your mental capacity as well as your personal beliefs and moral status. If you are deemed worthy to join the service, you will be sent to Coast Guard basic training in New Jersey, USA.
When you get to basic training, you will learn basic military behavior as well as position recognition, gait and close order drill technique, and physical conditioning. You will gain confidence by completing tasks you may not have been able to complete prior to your enlistment. You’ll train in the classroom, on land, and in the water to acquire the skills you need to pass basic training and become a member of the Coast Guard. You don’t have to be an expert swimmer to join the Coast Guard; however, you will need to pass some swimming tests to pass basic training.
You will also need to complete a certain level of physical testing to graduate from basic training, such as completing 29 push-ups (men), 15 push-ups (women) in 60 seconds, 38 sit-ups (men), 32 sit-ups (women) in 60 seconds. Race is also tested and has a minimum requirement to pass the training portion of your enlistment. Trained men and women must complete a swim circuit, step into the water for five minutes, and jump off a 16-foot (5-meter) board and swim 328 feet (100 meters) to pass basic training.