There are various ways to obtain a college application fee waiver form, including through a high school guidance counselor or directly from the college admissions office. It’s important to meet the college’s requirements for waiving fees, which often focus on financial needs. Some colleges accept a generic waiver form, but it’s best to check with each college first. Homeschooled students may have different requirements. Eligibility for fee waivers often depends on financial status or other factors such as being a ward of the state or transitioning directly from high school to college.
There are several ways to get a college application fee waiver form. Your high school guidance counselor, who is supposed to help you complete the form, may have a copy of the form or the means to obtain it. Also, you can directly contact the college admissions office or even research organizations that help students apply to college. More important than getting a waiver form is meeting the college’s requirements for waiving college application fees. Typically, these requirements focus on financial needs.
To obtain an actual application fee waiver form for the college or university you are applying to, talk to your high school guidance counselor or equivalent. If your advisor does not have the form, you or he can contact the college or university admissions office and request one. Some colleges and universities will accept a statement from your advisor on school letterhead indicating that you meet the requirements to receive an application fee waiver.
You and your advisor can streamline the college application process by filling out a generic application fee waiver form. The availability of this type of form, as well as whether colleges and universities will accept it, depends on factors such as where you live and the college you are applying to. In the United States, for example, the National Association for College Admissions Counseling provides a universal form for students and counselors. Please note that the availability of this type of form does not guarantee that chosen colleges will accept the form or waive application fees. So it’s best to check an official form from each college first, or at least ask if the college accepts the generic form.
Because not all applicants attend traditional secondary schools, some colleges and universities have home-based application requirements for students. If you were homeschooled, the college may accept an affidavit from your parents or allow your parents to help you complete the form. Be sure to speak with a college admissions representative before proceeding with the application fee waiver process.
Before proceeding with applying for a college application fee waiver, please check each school’s requirements for waiving college application fees. These requirements vary by college, but generally focus on your or your family’s financial status. Typically, this means that an eligible applicant’s family must meet a certain annual income requirement. Other eligibility markers might include the candidate as a ward of the state or the candidate transitioning directly from high school to college. Some colleges and universities may extend an application fee waiver to students who are eligible for other types of assistance, such as reduced high school meals or the SAT Fee Waiver Service.