Powdered sugar blocks made with white table sugar are the best for holding their shape and versatility in recipes. Look for a sealed package or consider organic sugar blocks. Sugar loaves are convenient for storage but should be properly sealed to avoid deterioration. Organic sugar blocks are an alternative to traditional loaves and should be labeled as chemical-free. Choose the appropriate size for your baking needs.
Powdered sugar contains a refined form of the popular sweetener and is sold in block form. The best types of blocks are made with white table sugar because the loaf tends to hold its shape better. Additionally, white sugar is the most versatile type, and is called for in more recipes than any other type of sweetener. When choosing powdered sugar, look for a brand that has a completely sealed package so the product doesn’t expire. Alternatively, you can also choose organic sugar blocks.
The best loaf is made from white sugar cane. When sugar is processed, water or syrup is used to make the crystals stick together and it forms into a block. This differs from granulated sugar, which is dried after processing so that the crystals do not stick together. Sugar loaves are more difficult to use because you have to cut portions out of the block, but it’s favored by many cooks for its convenience of storage.
Sugar loaves can technically be made from any type of sweetener, but the best versions are white. White or table sugar is extremely versatile, and you’ll find that most of the recipes you’ve requested call for it. It makes more sense, therefore, to buy a whole block of sugar that you can actually use as opposed to another kind that may go to waste before you run out.
While table sugar generally doesn’t have an expiration date, you’ll want to make sure the loaf of your choice is properly sealed. Historically, blocks of sugar were sold immediately after manufacturing and the products used fairly quickly before they deteriorated. Ideally, the best brand should offer loaves in layered wrappers so you can easily store the sweetener for later use. If, on the other hand, you have unsealed icing sugar, you will need to put it in an airtight container so that it does not spoil. Once sugar is exposed to certain elements, such as moisture and humidity, it can dissolve easily.
Organic sugar blocks are an alternative to traditional loaves sold in supermarkets. You may want to consider going for this version if you want a sweetener that isn’t processed with the help of chemicals. The best organic powdered sugar should have a label that clearly states that the cane product has no chemicals. In order to ensure that your favorite product is truly organic, you may want to consider purchasing from a health food store that sells other similar types of food products. No matter which type of powdered sugar you choose, you should purchase the most appropriate size to meet your baking needs.