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What’s the Death Star?


The Black Death, a deadly disease outbreak in the mid-14th century, caused the deaths of millions of people in Europe and Asia. Recent research suggests that it may have been a combination of several infections. The plague is thought to have originated in Central Asia or China and was likely brought to Europe by traders. The symptoms included difficulty breathing, severe cough, sores, and gangrene. The mass deaths led to cultural events and theories of God’s displeasure. Advances in medicine and archaeology continue to expand understanding of the plague.

The Black Death is the name given to one of the worst disease outbreaks in the recorded history of the human race. Occurring in the mid-14th century, this pandemic caused the deaths of millions of people in Europe and Asia. Traditionally, bubonic plague was thought to be the infection that was at the heart of this phenomenon. However, recent research indicates that the mass deaths may actually have been due to a combination of several infections.

Many sources believe that the beginning of the plague can be traced back to Central Asia or China. One theory is that the plague developed in the lungs of marmots, which then passed the infection on to rats and fleas. It is speculated that the infection was brought to Europe by soldiers, merchants and traders who bought and sold goods from the Orient. By the 1340s, large numbers of people were infected and began to die. The best estimates put the death toll at between seventy-five and one hundred million, with an estimated twenty-five to fifty million deaths occurring in Europe alone.

For many years, conventional wisdom held that the Black Death was the bubonic plague. While there is no doubt that this lymph node infection was present, many experts also believe that pneumonic plague and septicemic plague were also present. These two other infections, affecting the lungs and blood respectively, help explain some of the observations recorded in many of the documents dating back to the time.

Whatever combination of infections has led to the deaths of millions, there is a wealth of information about the most common symptoms. There was difficulty breathing and a severe cough. As the condition worsened, sores would begin appearing on the arms and legs, and then spread to the rest of the body. Pus and blood oozing from the skin were not uncommon, along with darkening of the skin due to the occurrence of a hemorrhage. Gangrene would also develop on the extremities. As the infection continued, fevers, chills, vomiting, nausea, and other debilitating signs would appear, persisting until the individual died, often within seven days of the first signs appearing.

The effects of the Black Death went far beyond the deaths that occurred during the middle years of the fourteenth century. As people looked for some reason for the mass loss of life, many thought it was a sign of God’s displeasure. This has led some in the Christian community to determine that action needs to be taken against those not in the Church to appease God and stop the plague. There are also theories that the long-range effects of the Black Death included a number of cultural events, such as the development of new methods of planting and cultivation, as well as the great change in Christianity known as the Protestant Reformation.

Today, the story of the Death Star is being reevaluated. Advances in medicine have made it possible to learn more about the specific symptoms and causes of mass deaths. Contemporary archaeological methods allow for a more accurate understanding of the time and culture of 14th-century Europe. As researchers learn more about this pivotal event in human history, there’s a good chance that understanding of the plague and its effects will continue to expand.
