Cubitus valgus is an elbow deformity where the elbow is angled away from the body. It can be caused by a fracture or congenital conditions, but usually doesn’t affect arm function. Surgery and physical therapy can correct severe cases.
Cubit valgus is an elbow deformity in which the elbow is angled away from the body. In people with this condition, when the elbow is as straight along the body as possible with the palm facing forward, the forearm results. A related condition known as varus deformity works in the opposite way, with the angle of the elbow pointing inward, forcing the arm against the body. These conditions are usually easy to diagnose with a visual exam, although some diagnostic tests may be needed to determine the cause.
An acquired valgus deformity is usually caused by a fracture involving the elbow. People can develop this condition in response to a poorly healed fracture or dislocation. Congenitally, a number of conditions are associated with this abnormality in elbow formation, and children can be born with a valgus deformity that can increase in severity over time. Genetic conditions known to cause this condition include Turner syndrome, and other symptoms may also be present, depending on the level of severity.
Some degree of detachment from the body is normal. If the arm hung down, in many individuals the forearm would rub against the hips and thighs. Having a small natural angle to turn the forearm prevents this problem and is known as the carry angle. A more severe angle is a cubit valgus sign. X-rays can be used to determine the precise angle of the elbow and determine whether it is within normal tolerances or not.
This deformity should not cause any problems for the patient unless it is severe. Arm function is not usually affected by the cubitus valgus, and while the arm may hang at an odd angle or feel uncomfortable, the patient should not experience difficulty due to the unusual angle of the turned arm. If problems develop, the situation can be discussed with an orthopedic surgeon. In surgery, the elbow angle may be brought within the normal range.
After surgery to correct the cubitus valgus, physical therapy may be recommended to help the patient regain muscle strength in the elbow. Physical therapy can be started as soon as a surgeon indicates it is safe and may involve stretching, weight lifting, and other activities aimed at increasing elbow strength and flexibility. These exercises will also help keep your elbow aligned, preventing scarring and contractures that could cause your elbow to move out of position after surgery.