Thigh and hip pain often occur together due to connected muscles and nerves. Sciatica is a common cause, as is hip bursitis and direct trauma or injury. Pain can occur simultaneously or independently when the sciatic nerve is compressed or damaged.
Thigh and hip pain often occur together because many of the muscles in the thigh and hip are connected or at least work in conjunction with each other. Nerves also run through both areas of the body, potentially causing thigh and hip pain that can be sharp, stabbing, or even numb or tingling. The sciatic nerve runs through the back of the thighs and into the hips, so compression of this nerve can lead to pain or limited mobility in the thigh and hip. Sometimes pain in one area of the body can cause pain in another area because the uninjured area of the body will eventually support the body when the injured area cannot.
One of the most common causes of thigh and hip pain is sciatica, which occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed. The sciatic nerve runs down the back of each leg and starts in the lower back, which means it runs through the buttocks and hips as well. The sciatic nerve can be compressed anywhere along its length by tight muscles, joint problems, and even a herniated disc in the spine, and pain isn’t always felt in the area that’s compressing the nerve. Pain can occur anywhere along the length of the nerve, so thigh and hip pain can occur simultaneously or independently when the nerve is compressed or damaged.
Hip bursitis is a common type of thigh and hip pain that can spread throughout most of the leg. This occurs when the bursa, which is a thin sac that cushions bones, tendons, muscles, or ligaments inside a joint, becomes inflamed. This usually occurs in athletic people or people who move a lot during the day. When the bursa becomes inflamed, pain will be felt in the hips, which can cause a person to alter their normal gait. This can lead to excessive strain on the leg muscles, which in turn can lead to thigh and hip pain.
Direct trauma and injury is one of the most common causes of thigh and hip pain. Fractures are some of the most serious injuries and take a significant amount of time to heal. They may also require surgery in severe cases. Muscle strains and tears can also cause moderate to severe pain in the thigh and hip, and while most muscle strains heal on their own after significant rest, tears most often require surgery.