Dry mouth and nausea can be caused by various factors such as dehydration, medications, chemotherapy, pregnancy, alcohol abuse, smoking, and certain medical conditions. Persistent symptoms should be addressed by a medical professional. Dehydration is a common cause and can also lead to diarrhea and stomach upset. Chemotherapy and certain medications can cause dry mouth and nausea, and adjusting the dose or switching to a different formulation may be necessary. Pregnancy can also cause nausea, and dehydration is more risky during this time.
Several conditions can cause dry mouth and nausea, including various diseases, medications and treatments, and different personal habits. Extreme dehydration tends to be the more common cause of the two occurring together. Both are also documented side effects of chemotherapy and can also result from certain medical interactions or overdoses. Many women also experience dry mouth and nausea in the early stages of pregnancy. For most people, simply having both symptoms isn’t a concern in itself, especially if they don’t last long. When problems seem persistent, or seem to get worse with time, most medical experts recommend making an appointment to find solutions.
Basics of both conditions
The human mouth is usually very wet and, under ideal conditions, the lips remain moist and saliva coats the insides of the cheeks and tongue. When a person has so-called “dry mouth,” they often have cracked lips and a sandpaper-like sensation in their mouth, and it is often more difficult to speak or swallow. The person may also have bad breath, feel hoarse, or want to drink lots of water.
Nausea, on the other hand, is a feeling of general nausea that can make a person feel dizzy or seasick. It comes before a person vomits, although people can and often feel nauseous without actually throwing up. Motion sickness is a common cause, as is any type of intestinal or stomach upset. Nausea followed by vomiting is a major cause of dry mouth, especially if a person becomes dehydrated from vomiting.
Dehydration is a major cause of the conditions occurring together. The human body is mostly composed of water and needs a regular intake of water and other hydrating fluids to maintain proper functioning. When not enough gets there, places like the mouth often begin to dry out to transfer available moisture to organs like the heart and brain that need it most critically.
Water deficiency can also impact the digestive system and often leads to diarrhea and loose stools. These can cause pain in the abdomen which can lead to stomach upset, nausea and nausea.
The main reason people develop dehydration is not drinking enough water, particularly if they are engaged in strenuous activity such as running. Skiers and winter sports enthusiasts are often particularly at risk because many are not thirsty even if they are cold, but the body still needs the same amount of water regardless of the external environment. Dehydration is also more likely if a person is ill, as more water is needed in these circumstances to fight the infection, and depending on what the infection is, nausea and dry mouth could still be side effects.
Alcohol abuse and smoking
People who drink excessively can also experience the two symptoms together. Alcohol dehydrates the body and also puts a strain on the digestive system when it comes to processing and breaking it down. The body can usually process a moderate amount quite efficiently, but problems tend to arise when internal systems are overwhelmed. People who have consumed too often develop intense headaches and dry mouth, and also often feel like they are going to vomit. Vomiting is actually a common outcome in many situations, although in most cases the feelings of nausea persist even after falling ill. Smoking and the use of tobacco products can also cause dry mouth in a person, and excessive smoke inhalation can lead to nausea, especially in people who are not used to it.
Dry mouth and nausea can also be caused by factors beyond a person’s control. For example, someone going through chemotherapy is likely to experience both. The chemicals used in chemotherapy to destroy cancerous growths can also damage a person’s salivary glands, especially if the person is undergoing treatment for neck or head cancer. Nausea is also likely, possibly due to how strong the drugs are and how little patients usually want to eat during treatment. If a patient experiences nausea during chemotherapy, their doctor may be able to prescribe a drug to prevent it or at least reduce its intensity.
As a result of other drugs
Other medications sometimes cause dry mouth and nausea, particularly when taken in large doses or on an empty stomach. Pain medications like ibuprofen, antidepressants, and antibiotics are some of the more common culprits. Medications for patients with HIV/AIDS or Parkinson’s disease can also lead to dry mouth. A patient experiencing extremely unpleasant dry mouth or nausea may ask their doctor to adjust the dose or switch to a different formulation.
Nausea can also occur when a person is in the early stages of pregnancy. Many women experience a condition known as “morning sickness,” which is nausea that is often followed by vomiting. It is often most common in the early morning but can also strike at any time; it usually goes away by the end of the first trimester, but not always. Dehydration is often more risky during pregnancy as well, as women need to drink much more water than normal; between that and any vomiting, dry mouth isn’t that uncommon either. Intense emotions such as fear and excitement can also make a person feel nauseous.