Poultry farmers raise chickens, ducks, or turkeys and sell their eggs or birds to wholesale or retail buyers. Commercial farms employ managers, while family farms handle tasks themselves. Eggs are carefully washed, sorted, and packaged for market. No formal education is required, but training can contribute to success.
Um avicultor cria galinhas, patos ou perus e seus ovos para venda a compradores de atacado e varejo. She can only sell eggs or only domestic birds as food. A professional nesse farmer also can only create and sell capoeira eggs used strictly for egg production.
Household farms are generally owned and operated by individuals or families. The remaining costum was owned and operated by professional criadores. Estes últimos were frequently trained and formally educated in bird production techniques.
Commercially owned farms generally employ farm managers to supervise the daily operations and supervise the care and feeding of the birds. Nas fazendas familiaris, all these tarefas are normally made by the members of the family. If a farmer’s family has a contract with a bird or egg production company, they will only be able to use the snacks and food supplied by that company.
The poultry farmers contracted with commercial producers also cost to sell their eggs and galinhas exclusively to this company. Os agricultores familiaris independentes generally sell their eggs and aves on the open market at the major launch. They frequently make agreements with birds that agree to buy their eggs and eggs with them and never eat them.
The processing of fresh eggs is generally a degraded process that requires excellent attention to the details. Almost immediately depois que as galinhas põem seus ovos, o avicultor as coleta para lavar. It is carefully placed in a transport rack and they pass through an automatic washing process.
To determine its viability and stability from gema, each egg is mantido against a bright light to examine yourself inside. If it seems saudável, the egg is rolled in a ramp with dezenas de outros to be automatically classified in tamanhos and graus. In the meantime, the eggs are packaged and refrigerated by the baby chicken, in preparation for your trip to the market.
A breeder can opt to sell pintinhos in eggs or adult birds. In any case, eggs are generally shocked in bands inside the incubators. The incubators imitate the humidity and heat from the bottom of the galinhas and cause the eggs to erupt. This process generally is more efficient than waiting for the chocá-las galinhas.
There is no formal education requirement to return to an avicultor. Many people who are in this profession acquire knowledge and experience working on farms of their families as long as they are not average or working on their family farm. Muitas faculdades, institutos técnicos e universidades oferecem classrooms on avicultura e pecuária ou gerenciamento de fazendas. Their training is generally considered to be useful for contributing to the success of an avicultor.