The emotional intelligence assessment measures a person’s emotional intelligence, which is viewed as a blend of innate ability and learned behavior. It measures four skills and is used by companies to identify employee strengths and weaknesses and target areas for improvement.
The emotional intelligence assessment is a test designed to measure a person’s emotional intelligence, sometimes referred to as their EQ. This test is based on research by Daniel Goleman, although it was not developed by him. Emotional intelligence tests began in the 1990s as an alternative or supplement to intelligence tests. Although some measures of emotional intelligence treat it as an innate ability, emotional intelligence assessments view this type of intelligence as a blend of innate ability and learned behavior. These tests are often used in business to identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses so they can learn skills to improve some aspect of their emotional intelligence.
In 1995, Daniel Goleman published his first book on emotional intelligence. His research suggests that this type of intelligence is as important as standard intelligence when evaluating a person’s job performance, leadership ability, and significant contribution to society. Dr. Travis Bradberry and Dr. Jean Greaves developed the assessment of emotional intelligence by expanding on Goleman’s work. This test measures four different skills, social awareness, relationship management, self-awareness and self-management, as initially outlined by Goleman.
A person taking the emotional intelligence assessment encounters 28 pieces of evidence. The test usually takes only about 10 minutes to complete and quantifies a person’s responses into a score in each of the emotional intelligence skills and an overall emotional intelligence quotient. By breaking down emotional intelligence into its component parts, the test identifies emotional strengths and areas of emotional intelligence that could be improved.
By treating emotional intelligence as a set of learned skills, the emotional intelligence assessment offers a measure of ability that is considerably different from intellectual ability as measured by an intelligence quotient (IQ) test. The research that led to the creation of this test recognizes the presence of multiple types of intelligence, some of which are innate and others learned. Learned intelligences, such as emotional intelligence, can be enhanced by practicing a variety of skills.
Many companies have adopted the use of emotional intelligence assessment as a way to identify employee strengths and weaknesses. Once emotional intelligence has been quantified, there is both a baseline to measure improvement and a skill set to target for improvement. For each of the emotional intelligence skills measured by this test, there are a number of activities and strategies that can be used to improve a person’s emotional intelligence.