Part-time graphic design jobs include advertising, website design, book cover design, and crowdsourcing. They offer opportunities for freelancers and students to gain experience and build a portfolio. Part-time work can lead to a full-time career, but some may eventually seek full-time employment due to the unpredictable nature of the work.
The different types of part-time graphic design jobs cover a wide range of commissions for advertising material and product packaging, as well as freelance website design jobs. Newspaper and periodical editors often employ part-time graphic artists for pagination and ad layout. Some part-time designers produce artwork, while others specialize in a specific niche, such as book cover design. Crowdsourcing is another type of part-time graphic design job that can also offer a novice designer the opportunity to build a portfolio. Graphic design artists sometimes choose to work part-time on a long-term basis because of the perceived benefits of pursuing an occupation.
Advertising agencies often use the services of graphic designers, and a significant number may work part-time at some point in their careers. Freelancers are often given contracts to design websites, as once the website is completed, the amount of work required continually decreases. Part-time designers, like their full-time counterparts, can design a full spectrum of advertising materials. This usually includes items such as flyers, brochures or print advertising that appear in magazines. Many part-time designers receive commissions to design or renovate websites.
The print media industry employs freelancers and part-timers to work on page layout and advertising design. Due to the tight publishing schedules of daily newspapers, graphic artists may be hired part-time to work a few shifts a week. As newspaper work is highly competitive in terms of available positions, part-time graphic design jobs can present an opportunity to gain traction in the industry. Student internships provide another way to obtain part-time graphic design jobs and are regularly offered by print publishers.
Sometimes a part-time artist receives a commission for producing a work of art. This can take weeks or months to complete. Other part-time graphic design jobs, such as book cover design, can be completed quickly.
Crowdsourced design work is one of the newer types of part-time graphic design jobs. The typical arrangement in crowd sourcing graphic design jobs is to ask graphic artists to submit artwork under specification. Sometimes this results in a job offer or assignment, but other times the graphic artist does not receive compensation for the efforts put into producing the artwork. In other cases, it presents an opportunity to gain artistic recognition and build a portfolio.
Part-time employment is relatively common in the graphic design industry. Since actual graphic design work can be done on a computer at home or in a small studio, moonlighting as a designer often proves a fruitful path to a full-time graphic design career. While there are often a wide variety of clients and a variety of applications for graphic design jobs, creative jobs tend to be highly coveted. However, due to the fragmented and unpredictable nature of the work, an independent graphic artist may eventually seek full-time employment.