Panspermia is a theory that suggests life or organic molecules exist throughout the universe and can travel interplanetary distances via asteroids or comets. It is believed to be the original source of life on Earth and may also be the source of life on other planets. There are three derivative theories of panspermia, and while evidence supporting or disproving the theory is not universally accepted, some scientists argue for it as a possible explanation for the origins of life. The debate continues.
Panspermia comes from the Greek and means “seeds everywhere”. It is the name of a somewhat controversial theory that life, or organic molecules that are the building blocks of primitive life forms, are found throughout the universe and that these molecules can travel interplanetary or even interstellar distances, carried by clouds of interstellar dust, asteroids or comets. The theory further argues that this is the original source of life on Earth and may also be the source of yet-to-be-discovered life forms on other planets.
While the idea of panspermia, albeit in a slightly different form, is first seen in the writings of an ancient Greek philosopher, the first more modern version of the theory was introduced in the 18th century by a Frenchman, Benoit de Maillet. He proposed that life on Earth originated from space microbes that had landed and colonized in the ancient oceans. Since then, the theory has had many proponents, including well-known scientific figures such as Lord Kelvin. As man’s knowledge advanced, the theory of panspermia evolved somewhat, but the basic concept remained.
There are at least three derivative theories of panspermia. Lithopanspermia and ballistic panspermia, for example, argue that when an asteroid or meteor strikes a planetary body on which microbial life exists, it is possible for that planet’s debris to be ejected into space. The debris would presumably carry microbes across interplanetary, in the case of ballistic panspermia, or even interstellar distances, in the case of lithopanspermia, where they could later land on another body, seeding it with the molecules that underpin life.
Science continues to provide evidence that the ideas presented by these theories are possible. It is well documented that meteorites and other debris are regularly exchanged by planets and other interplanetary bodies. A meteorite, positively identified as having come from Mars, was recovered in Antarctica in the 1980s and is believed by some scientists to contain fossil bacteria, supporting this theory, although these findings and the theory itself are still widely disputed by many. It has also been shown on multiple occasions that some bacteria can lie dormant for millions of years and then revive. Similarly, some microbes and bacteria have been shown to be able to survive conditions similar to those found in deep space.
Conclusive evidence supporting or disproving panspermia theories and related theories has not been universally accepted by science. Some of the world’s most respected and accomplished scientists argue for it as a possible explanation for the origins of life on Earth and for a possible mechanism for the spread of life throughout the universe. Many equally respected and qualified scientists and experts insist that however there is no solid evidence for panspermia and that while it may be possible, it is not and cannot be proven to be correct. Further advances and scientific discoveries may support or disprove the theory at some point in the future, but as of 2011, the debate continues.