Pipeline transportation uses pipes to transport gases, liquids, or capsules for consumer, producer, or agricultural use. The first pipeline was used for oil delivery in 1863. There are three types of pipelines: transportation, collection, and distribution. Materials transported include fuel, energy sources, and consumer goods. Pipeline materials depend on the purpose of the line. Most pipelines are buried and use pumping stations. Special gaugers and cleaners maintain pipelines, and data collection devices aid in maintenance.
Pipeline transportation mainly involves the use of pipes to deliver gases, liquids or sealed pneumatic capsules to other destinations. The materials can be transported for consumer, producer or agricultural use. Pipelines are also often used to transport sewage, coal and minerals. There are even some establishments that use beer pipes.
The first pipeline transport was used for oil delivery in 1863. It was started at the suggestion of Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian inventor and chemist. Mendeleev is also credited with inventing the first periodic table of elements.
There are three main types of pipelines: those used for transportation, those used for collection, and those used for distribution. Transportation pipelines are the longest variety; they are used to move materials across areas as large as continents, but also countries and cities. A collection pipeline tends to be smaller, but more complex; it is used to transport energy sources such as natural gas or crude oil from wells to plants where they will be refined. Distribution pipelines are used for consumer goods, such as fuel oil and gas for commercial and residential use.
Pipeline transport can carry a wide variety of liquids for agricultural, manufacturing and consumer use. They can carry fuel, such as kerosene, gasoline, and jet fuel or diesel. Pipelines can also carry energy sources including propane, oil for home heating, and natural gas. Manufacturers can use pipelines to transport ethane, propylene, crude oil or carbon dioxide. The agricultural industry also uses pipeline transportation to move a fertilizer known as anhydrous ammonia.
The materials used to make a pipeline transportation system depend on the purpose of the line. If the pipes are for carrying oil, they are usually constructed of plastic or steel. Gas pipelines are usually made of carbon steel. Consumer items, such as beer, usually travel through copper pipes.
Most pipelines are buried a few feet or meters below the ground. Pumping stations move liquid through pipes. Pipe inspection is usually done by special gaugers, while scraper cleaners known as hogs or devils clean up any residue that has built up in the pipes. The cleaners are launched at special stations and are deposited at a receiving station once the pipeline cleaning is finished. There are also devices that can collect data as it moves through the pipeline, thus providing essential information for proper pipeline maintenance.