Expressive aphasia, also known as Broca’s aphasia, is a neurological disorder that makes it difficult for people to communicate through speech or writing. It is caused by stroke and patients may struggle to express themselves, but their understanding of language is generally good. Speech therapy can help patients recover communication skills, and using communication cards and clear speech can aid in conversations.
Expressive aphasia is a neurological disorder in which people have difficulty speaking or writing to communicate. Patients with this condition know what they want to say but cannot express it, and their understanding of spoken and written language is generally good, although they may struggle with things presented with unusual syntax or structure. The most common cause of expressive aphasia is stroke. Supporting the patient during their stroke recovery and providing rehabilitation sessions with a speech therapist can help the patient develop communication skills again.
This condition is also known as Broca’s aphasia, a reference to the area of the brain involved, or non-fluent aphasia. Some people with this type of aphasia have trouble saying words and making sentences, and may talk in a disconnected, bombastic way, using key words to try to get across a point. Other patients may speak fluently, but with gibberish or words used in a way that makes no sense.
According to patients who have experienced this condition and recovered, this condition is extremely frustrating. Patients may be able to think of what they want to say, but their brains cannot convert what is happening in the patient’s head into a format that other people understand. Some patients with this condition become agitated in frustration and may gesticulate or shout while trying to be understood.
Patients with communication disorders such as expressive aphasia can also be frustrated with the way people interact with them. People may begin to speak plainly and loudly around patients who have difficulty communicating, even if those patients are able to understand, and this may come across as condescending. Becoming impatient and trying to finish a patient’s sentence is another common problem that can make patients frustrated and upset.
A speech therapist can work with a patient who has expressive aphasia to develop communication skills. Some patients find that using communication cards and other tools during periods of aphasia can help them communicate clearly. Over time, those around the patient also tend to become familiar with the communication style used by the patient and may understand and interpret sentences that may not make sense to the average person.
In a conversation with someone who has expressive aphasia, it is advisable to speak clearly and in a normal tone of voice and be careful of using complicated sentence structure or syntax, as this can lead to confusion. Paying attention as patients speak and reflecting what you hear back to the patient can help establish clear communication.