Ball check valves allow material flow in one direction using a spring-loaded ball inside a valve body. They are simple and used in fuel and water pumping systems. They can be made of metal or ruby, and some have replaceable internal components. Double ball check valves prevent backflow contamination.
A ball check valve is one of several types of valves designed to allow material flow in only one direction. This type of check valve typically uses a spring-loaded ball inside a valve body. As pressurized material flows through the valve in one direction, the ball rises to allow passage. If unpressurized material begins to flow in the opposite direction, the ball drops to stop the unwanted material. Ball check valves are one of the simplest forms of one-way valves and can be used for many different applications, including fuel and water pumping systems.
A typical ball check valve consists of a round ball inside a two-piece valve body. The inner walls of the valve body are usually conical to allow for precision positioning. A check valve ball can be constructed of metal or man-made ruby. Some types have a permanent valve body with replaceable internal components. The inner ball can be attached to a conical spring or left free to move within the valve body.
A spring loaded ball check valve is typically employed as a means of controlling the directional flow of high pressure material through a pipeline. As the pressurized material passes through the forward valve, the valve opens pushing the ball against the spring. Non-pressurised material flowing in the opposite direction is unable to move the ball and its passage is therefore blocked. The free-moving balls in check valves rely solely on the flow of material to actuate. As the low-pressure material flows forward, the ball is moved up to allow passage; when the material moves backwards, the opposite action occurs.
Ball check valves are usually installed in small capacity water, gas or fuel supply systems. While there are many different types of check valves available, ball check valves are generally less expensive to purchase and repair. This type of valve is also often installed in small diameter piping systems. Check valves are typically used to maintain line pressure in a fuel, water or gas supply system during pump inactivity. These valves are also used to prevent the main material supply from being contaminated by backflow material.
A specially designed double ball check valve is also produced for some types of applications. This check valve contains two balls in the same valve body to ensure complete shut-off of backflow. The double ball design is particularly useful in preventing the backflow of contaminated material into the main supply network. A set of two ball check valves is sometimes used to maintain adequate set pressure in long sections of piping.