Mechanical splicing permanently joins two fibers in a fiber optic cable, providing a fast and effective way to transmit data. It involves stripping the protective sheath, cutting the fibers with a cleaver, and using an alignment tool. There are four types of alignment tools, including capillary tubes and V-groove tools. Mechanical splicing is quicker and more affordable than fusion splicing but has lower tensile strength and requires accurate alignment for effective communication.
A mechanical splice is a method of permanently joining two separate fibers within a fiber optic cable. Optical fibers are used to transmit data in fields such as telecommunications or computer networking. Mechanical splicing provides a fast and effective way of joining fibers so that information can pass uninterrupted between different cables or sources. It is an alternative to fusion splicing, which is a method of fusing fibers together using arc welding. Fusion splicing is quite complex, however, and requires much more skill than mechanical splicing.
To create a mechanical splice, installers first strip the protective sheath from the fibers using a wire stripper. Once the fibers are exposed, they are cut with a tool known as a “cleaver”. The applicable fibers are then inserted into a simple alignment tool to create the mechanical splice. This alignment tool stays in place permanently to keep the fibers together properly.
There are four basic types of alignment tools used to create a mechanical joint. Capillary tubes are made of glass and ceramic and are slightly larger in diameter than the fibers themselves. Each of the fibers is inserted into one end of the tube so that they meet in the middle. A small amount of gel or adhesive is used to hold the fibers in place.
Many installers use a V-groove tool instead of a capillary tube. The V-groove consists of a plastic case divided into two parts. The fibers are inserted into the pouch so that when the two halves of the pouch fit together, they are curled tightly together. For added flexibility, installers can choose an elastomeric alignment tool, which consists of a soft, flexible tube that can accommodate fibers with little size variation.
The main advantage of a mechanical splice is the speed and ease with which it can be completed. Using an affordable alignment tool, installers can splice fibers without the training or expense of an arc welder. Mechanical splicing is also a quick way to restore damaged communications or network systems until permanent repairs or changes can be made.
Compared to the strength and durability of the fusion splice, mechanically spliced fibers tend to have relatively poor tensile strength. This means that fibers joined with a mechanical splice are susceptible to damage if they are mishandled or left unprotected. While mechanical splicing is an effective way to join fibers, the level of communication between the spliced fibers largely depends on the accuracy of alignment between them.