Ultrasonic sensors use high-frequency sound to measure distance, similar to sonar. They consist of a single transceiver unit that emits and detects sound, estimating distance through mathematical calculations. However, accuracy can be affected by temperature, humidity, and the type of object being sensed. Ultrasonic sensors have various applications in industrial machines and security installations, while medical facilities use more accurate ultrasound sensors for imaging purposes.
An ultrasonic sensor is a device that uses high frequency sound to measure distance. These sensors are also known as transceivers and work similar to sonar. While sonar is mostly used underwater, ultrasonic transceivers can be used in the air. Sensors using ultrasonic waves are common in industrial and medical applications.
This type of sensor typically consists of a single transceiver unit, which is capable of both emitting and detecting sound. This device creates a sound impulse that is beyond the hearing range of the human ear. Most solid objects reflect sound waves. The transceiver uses a timer to precisely determine how long it takes for an ultrasonic pulse to “bounce” off an object and be returned to the unit.
A sound wave usually travels at a known speed. In room-temperature air, this velocity is approximately 1,126 feet (343 meters) per second. When both the speed and timing of the ultrasonic pulses are known, the distance to a reflective object can be estimated using basic mathematical calculations. If an ultrasonic sensor emits a pulse and receives the reflected signal a tenth of a second later, for example, the object is about 112 meters away.
However, an ultrasonic sensor is not always accurate. Several factors can degrade a sensor’s ability to accurately measure distance. The speed of sound is not constant, but can vary depending on the temperature and humidity of the air. This means that very hot or very cold conditions can make an ultrasonic sensor ineffective.
Objects reflect sound waves in different ways. Some materials, such as metal, reflect sound very well. Soft materials, including soft fabrics, often absorb sound waves. The accuracy of this type of sensor can be affected by the type of object being sensed.
Ultrasonic sensors have many applications. Industrial machines often use these sensors to detect the presence of an object in an automated factory. A machine designed to apply labels to bottles, for example, can use ultrasonic methods to determine when a product is in place and ready to be printed. Security installations also use sonic sensors to detect the presence of an unauthorized person. These sensors can be used to create a “virtual fence” around a safe area.
Medical facilities often use ultrasound sensors. Sensors used in medicine are more accurate than most industrial devices, but work on the same principle. Ultrasound imaging uses high-frequency pulses to detect both solid objects and open spaces. A transceiver connected to a computer can create an image showing these different areas and can be used by medical professionals to view areas within the human body.