Earth’s magnetic poles reverse every 200,000 years due to changes in the planet’s core, causing compasses to point towards the opposite pole. The geographic poles remain fixed, while the magnetic poles protect the planet from radiation. Magnetic shifts may be occurring more rapidly than in the past.
It is estimated that Earth’s north and south magnetic poles slowly move and completely reverse their positions approximately every 200,000 years. These shifts would have caused a compass to point north before shifting to then pointing towards what had previously been the south pole. Magnetic changes are thought to be the result of changes in magnetic activity in the Earth’s core as the planet rotates.
Read more about the poles of the Earth:
The magnetic poles are located very close to the current geographic north pole located in the Arctic Ocean and the south pole in Antarctica. These geographic poles are always positioned centrally on the earth’s axis and do not move.
The magnetic poles of the Earth emit a magnetic field, which is mainly responsible for guarding the planet to prevent too much radiation from the sun and space from infiltrating the atmosphere.
Scientists have found evidence that magnetic shifts may occur more rapidly as time passes. For example, it is estimated that before the extinction of the dinosaurs, the poles reversed once every million years or so.