Sulfuric acid is used in the manufacture of many products, including drain cleaners, car batteries, fertilizers, and medicines. Sulfates, salts of sulfuric acid, are also important products. Sulfuric acid is involved in the production of plastics, detergents, dyes, and explosives.
Of all the chemicals used in industry, sulfuric acid is involved in the manufacture of more products than any other. Sulfuric acid products can consist of the acid itself, in various concentrations, for example as a laboratory reagent or in drain cleaners. Alternatively, it may be part of a product, such as a car battery, or it may be used in the synthesis of other useful chemicals. Many of these chemicals are sulfates, salts of sulfuric acid, which directly involve sulfuric acid in the manufacturing process. They include fertilizers and medicines. Also, there are many products that indirectly involve sulfuric acid.
Among the simplest sulfuric acid products are drain cleaners which consist mostly of the acid itself in a high concentration – usually a 90%-95% sulfuric acid solution – although a colorant may be added. Because sulfuric acid drain cleaner does not have to be of high purity to fulfill its purpose, impure waste acid is often used. It is generally effective in clearing drains clogged with organic materials, but must be used with care and should never be applied in conjunction with alkali-based drain cleaners.
Lead-acid batteries are one of the most important and common sulfuric acid products. Most motor vehicles use batteries of this type. The sulfuric acid in batteries is usually a 30-40% aqueous solution. Alternating plates of lead and IV lead oxide are immersed in the solution and when the circuit is completed a current is generated from two chemical reactions taking place.
Lead reacts with HSO4- ions of sulfuric acid to form lead sulfate, giving two electrons, and in the other reaction, lead IV oxide reacts with HSO4- ions, again forming lead sulfate, but this time accepting two electrons. The two reactions cause a current, a flow of electrons, to flow from the lead plates to the oxide plates. These reactions can be reversed by applying a current to the battery, so that it can be recharged when it becomes discharged due to acid dilution and lead sulfate buildup.
Many sulfuric acid products are sulfates. These are the salts formed when sulfuric acid reacts with a base or metal. One of the most important sulphate products is ammonium sulphate fertilizer, which is obtained by combining ammonia and sulfuric acid: 2NH3 + H2SO4 → (NH4)2SO4. Ammonium sulphate provides sources of both nitrogen and sulfur that are easily utilized by plants, but it also tends to acidify the soil and is normally used with lime to counteract this effect. However, it can be used to intentionally lower the pH of soils that are too alkaline.
Another useful sulfuric acid salt is iron II sulfate, also known as ferrous sulfate, produced by the reaction of iron with sulfuric acid. It is used to raise iron levels in people suffering from some forms of anemia, as an iron supplement for pregnant women, and as a soil treatment to provide iron and reduce pH. Magnesium sulfate, also known as Epsom salts, is used to treat magnesium deficiency in soils and as a flavor enhancer in bottled water products. It also has a number of medical uses. While some are produced from naturally occurring minerals, they are also produced by the reaction of sulfuric acid and magnesium oxide.
Sulfuric acid is also less directly involved in the manufacture of a wide variety of other products. These include plastics, detergents, dyes and explosives. While these products do not actually contain sulfuric acid or its salts, the acid plays a crucial role in their manufacture.